Chapter 6

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Thought I could do this, turns out I can't.

Four days since I first started working for APOLLO and I feel like bridezilla. Only I am not getting married and the cause of my distress ain't my groom but my boss. Lewis is impossible. But not only he's impossible. He's fucking impossible. No offense to the ladies out there who worked here before me, but I get them. I would rather quit too.

He is over-strict, obsesses over the minor stuff, has a very particular taste in food and won't accept anything. I brought him sushi in the first day, cause, that's what he asked for. He didn't specify he hates salmon, so I bought him a normal mix of sushi. Which has salmon. He made me run back to the store and buy him a whole new thing. He loves dark coffee with oat milk, but only if it has no sugar in it. He likes apples, but not the red ones. He wants to have lunch but would never tell you when he wants to have it. He wants you to write his emails but they have to go through him first and they're never right so you have to rewrite everything.

My favorite part of the week started to be my yoga sessions, which is kind of wrong, since I started yoga as therapy. Cause I didn't want to go to therapy anymore.

Why is my for-therapy-purposes activity my number one hobby?

I don't know. Ask Lewis Cunnan.

I'm staring at the clock, the digits showing 21:49. Yeah, cause then there's that. Over-hours. Cause he fucking corrects everything, so I have to stay up late.

I am currently trying to type the email, but I hate the computer and I am not used to the keyboard, so it takes me double the time.

Only Taylor could help me now, but I'm probably not allowed to listen to her either.

"What are you still doing here?", a familiar voice asks. I hate the fact is familiar. If I found the voice nice at first, I want to strangle it whenever I hear it now.

"Work", I reply, not minding looking up at him. But of course, Lewis doesn't get he should just drop it, and he comes behind me, staring at my screen.

"Two typos", he comments. "You can do better."

"I'll try my best, Mr. Cunnan", I answer, my voice sounding robotic. I feel like a robot.

Lewis sighs out loud, then goes take a sit at the chair opposite mine. The gesture catches my attention and I look up at him. While I am in a short pastel pink dress together with some white sneakers, he is dressed in a formal shirt, some beige pants and loafers. Dude screams old money. He obviously crosses his arms at his chest, since that's his habit and he needs to go get checked at a doctor.

"What's wrong?", he asks me.

I look at him with an eyebrow raised, because there is no way in hell Lewis Cunnan has feelings. "What do you mean what's wrong?"

"I promised I won't get involved, but I can't help but notice something is wrong. You keep making more and more typos and consume more than five cups of coffee a day."

"Are you watching me, Mr. Cunnan?", I ask, actually planned as a tease.

The fact he doesn't reply creeps me out.

"So, what's wrong?", he completely ignores my question.

I am so tired, I just give up. I let out a very dramatic sigh and rest my elbows on the table, rubbing my temple. "First of all, this room lacks anything cute. I am a cuteness obsessed person. I can't work, when everything around me seems to be made for a funeral."

"It's an office", he comments.

"Then that will be the death of me", I mutter. He wants to add something, yet I am not done ranting yet. "Then there are the fucking computers." I notice I am speaking to my boss. "I am sorry, the beeping computers." I can't help but notice the smirk on his lips. "They won't beeping work. Like I type and type but the keyboard is all out of place and all I want is my iPad."

"You like iPads?", he asks me curious.

I nod. "I want my iPad back. But of course, I'll adapt to these lovely computers if that's what I have to do."

I stop talking and he takes some time just looking at me. As he notices I am not going to speak again, he asks: "Anything else?"

"Do you want me to get started on your persona?", I reply, looking up at him.

He is really smirking as he stands up and turns to walk away. "That would be enough, Miss Grant."

I let out an offended sigh as I sink my head on the table and decide to call it a night.

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