Chapter 14

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"I blame you", I say, as soon as I close the car door. Lewis did come pick me up after the race. He is rather happy today, due to how Levi scored pole position in the sprint. John didn't do so good, yet his good mood skyrocketed since ESPEN isn't on the podium, yet the two ASTORIA guys.

"You blame me for what?", he says, staring to drive.

I lift my shoulders, and roll down the window, to feel the breeze of the sea. "You never told me F1 is cool."

"And now she suddenly likes racing...", he mutters, slightly amused.

"Will you go vroom vroom with me, Mr. Cunnan?", I try to tease him.

He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. It's then I notice what I just said might come out as something dirty.

"Like in a car...", I explain.

Lewis throws a glance to the backseat, still amused by this situation.

Not getting any better.

"Fine, let's go in the hotel and lock ourselves in the rooms", I try to end this talk.

It's now Lewis starts choking.

"Do you see everything as dirty?", I ask him exhausted.

He smirks as he replies. "Everything you say? Yes."

It's my turn to swallow hard, realizing it's my fault. I did just talk about cars and hotel rooms.

I turn my gaze out the window and stop saying any word.


"Where are we?", I ask him as Lewis parks the car at a parking spot somewhere not in front of our hotel.

"You seemed rather unexcited to go back to the hotel room", he answers matter-of-factly, getting out of the car. I notice he's wearing the APOLLO colors, a short-sleeved dark blue shirt, black pants, black sunglasses on his eyes and some black shoes.

I am still in my pastel yellow Summer dress.

I follow him out of the car and Lewis starts walking in one direction. I follow him, not knowing exactly where. I bet it's a place to buy business stuff. Maybe he needs a new stapler he could strangle me with.

I did not expect this however.

It's a promenade. Along the seaside.



I'm in love.

Squealing out loud, I take my shoes off and start running on the sand, feeling the heat burning my tiptoes. I run further and further till my toes are covered in water, the waves tickling my feet. I can't help but throw my hands in the air and start jumping like a kid.

I can see Lewis staring at me from the walkway, not wanting to join me on the sand.

Shrugging, I take out my phone and take a selfie with the sea to post later. I take another bunch of photos of the sand and the landscape, some more of me, then I pack away my phone and keep running on the beach.

I run towards him, brushing away the sand off my feet with my fingers. They're not hundred percent clean, yet but they're better as before. I put my shoes back on and look up at him again.

He's smiling.

"What?", I ask him confused. He never smiles when I'm there.

"I've never seen someone so happy about seeing the sea. I mean, I have. Only one person", he answers with a smile tugged on his lips.

I don't want to ask who that person is. Maybe he has a girlfriend. Or wife. We chose to keep our private life private, things between us professional.

"I love the sea", I avoid the last sentence.

"I can see that", he replies, still smiling. He starts walking again and I keep up with him.

"Buy you dinner, Miss Grant?", he continues.

I weigh my options. Instant noodles or whatever at the hotel. Alone. Or something with company.

Inevitably I choose option two.

"Sure", I answer. "You're paying."

"Yes, Miss", he replies amused.

"And you're not cutting it out of my salary", I continue.

He is really smirking now. "I wouldn't even dream."

"Alright", I reply, trying to hide the smile building on my lips.

I keep following him, while we search for a terrace.


"First time in Barcelona?", Lewis asks me while we're waiting for our food.

I shake my head. "I've been here before. Had a photoshoot here once." I try to bring the conversation back where I want. "First time attending a prix though."

"And you liked it", Lewis remembers.

I nod.

"Were the girls nice?", he continues, honestly a bit concerned.

"Yeah, very nice", I answer, taking a sip from my lemonade to help with the next part. "They asked about you. They said they miss you on the track."

Lewis sighs exhausted. "I know. Got it at least hundred times from Duncan today."

"Why did you quit though?", I make myself the courage to ask. Lewis'eyes go on me. I swallow hard, but still go on. "I mean, it's clear you still like Formula One. You own APOLLO, come to the prix...And you still like driving fast. If you still like all that, why did you stop racing?"

His jaw works. "I wanted to focus on something else."

His tone shows me that's the end of the conversation. And as the annoying person he is, he returns me the favor. "Why did you move away from Paris?"

It's my turn to be on the downside. "I already told you", I lie. "I broke up with Domenic."

"You said that was one of the reasons", he attacks me with my own words.

"I missed home", it's all I say.

Neither of us says something else.

Complete silence.

Fucking creepy.

"This ain't working", I let out, rubbing my temples.

"Certainly not", he comments.

I am so close to standing up and walking away.

"Blue", he says all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, what?!", I let out confused, my back being again glued to the chair.

"My favorite color. Blue", he explains.

Small talk. Got it. "Like your eyes?", I ask him.

He chuckles. "Not mine."

"My favorite color is pink", I reply.

"No kidding", he teases.

"Wait, how did you know?", I try to seem surprised.

"It's not like you wear it on a daily basis. I'm actually surprise you're lacking something pink today."

"I'm not", I say, showing off my pastel pink nails.

He chokes on a laugh. "Figures."

I'm smirking bright as the waiter brings as our food. I'm staring at the huge Paella between us, the one we're about to share. Cause Lewis insisted we try the local cuisine.

We for sure not look like a couple sharing food.

I jump head-first in being the one who gets food first, so that we don't take it at the same time and the thing looks even more romantic.

I'm his assistant for heaven's sake.

"Bon Appetit, Miss Grant", Lewis tells me in a very hot accent.

The food almost gets blocked in my throat.

Bon Appetit.

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