Chapter 32

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I am staring at my feet, playing lost in thoughts with them as I'm waiting for the doors to open. Turns out that kiss did bring me in trouble. All because of a video of Levi and I kissing at that bar going viral. We were called by APOLLO back in New York. And yes, you heard me right. We. Levi too. Although he is still in the season, he had to come with me on that plane and come all the way here. He is the one who entered Lewis' office first, since he's leaving for Qatar as soon as the talk is over.

The door opens.

And I have not expected that.

I was expecting to see a sad Levi. An "oh, I'm so guilty" Levi. A Levi that looks like he just got a lecture from his boss.

Not a cocky grin Levi.

He's in an APOLLO hoodie and a pair of jeans, some sneakers and a cap with number "83" on it. Some girls have planted themselves on the hallway, waiting for him to pass them by. They probably want his autograph. The drivers don't usually come to New York at the office. They are too busy during the season and during the off-season, they travel or spend time at their homes. They usually come here for emergencies only or to sign the contract that they drive for APOLLO.

Seeing Levi here mid-season is an opportunity the girls don't want to miss.

As he passes by me, he winks and lets out: "Told you he just needed a little push."

I am so confused right now, I can't help but stand up and ask: "What do you mean?"

The doors to the office open and Lewis appears, leaning against the door. Levi smirks at Lewis once, then at me, then does a small wave with his hand and says: "See you in Austria."

He turns around and leaves, but not without signing the caps of the girls waiting for him and talking to each of them.

He is such a flirt.

I have to let out a chuckle at that.

Every sign of amusement is gone as Lewis says in the coldest voice the universe had granted to a person: "Miss Grant, you may come in now."

Cue the very hard swallow.

I nod and walk over to his office. I highly consider keeping the door open so I'll have a witness in case he murders me (again, no body, no crime), but he looks up at me from where he is leaning against his desk and tells me to shut it.

I do as told.

I don't know if I should sit or stand or run away so I decide to freeze in place.

"Did you like it?", I can hear him ask after some time of silence.

Like what?

"Like what?"

"The kiss. Did you like it?"

"No", I answer honestly.

He looks at me surprised. I raise an eyebrow, so he can elaborate. He does. "Many girls would say Levi Dyer is the best kisser."

"Well, not many girls have Lewis Cunnan as comparison."

I think he wanted to say something, but as soon as he heard what I said, he stops and his eyes meet mine. As if he could look in my soul. It takes him a deep breath to say: "He did it to make me jealous. Or to make me realize I get jealous when it comes to you."

"Excuse me?"

"I promised myself I'd never get possessive over a girl but fuck. Let another man touch those lips and I'll run them over with two hundred miles per hour."

"No one can reach that speed", I say, getting grip of the chair. Is it hot in here?

"For you, sweetheart, I'll reach more."

I take a deep breath, trying to make sentences. Words. Coherent thoughts. "You don't want me to touch anyone. But you also don't want to touch me. You're making zero sense here, Mr. Cunnan."

He opens him mouth, yet I interrupt him. "I don't want to be a fling. I don't want to be a mistress. I want to find a man that loves me 100%, body and soul. I want to be cherished and protected and loved."

"You're right", he whispers. He comes closer, til we're one inch away from each other. He comes closer and cups my face in his palms, brushing with his thumbs on my cheeks. "Aria Grant", he begins. "Will you let me cherish and protect you? Will you let me love you?"

"For real?", I can't help but ask.

A shy smile appears on his lips. "Realer than real, every cell of my body is yours. Every beat of my heart."

I know tears started rolling down my feels as I say: "In that case, yes."

He kisses me and it feels like a promise. A promise he's for the keeps.

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