36. The Extra Mile.

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Minutes into the first performer, I'm convinced I was brought to this cursed realm to die.

Die of embarrassment; don't call me dramatic.

The first girl on stage, whatever her name was; had a myriad of talents, but she showcased her best. That was her introduction statement, to be clear.

She was a contortionist, a pretty normal talent, right?

Wrong! This bitch was twisting her body to the point I was convinced she was shape-shifting halfway through; being two creatures at once. There was no way would her bones survived some of the shapes she was becoming, in a tight spandex leotard, no less.

"Oh Wow! ", I mutter, fighting between bewilderment, awe and plain disbelief.

"I hope when this shit is aired it's rated R," someone murmurs from behind me and I'm glad to know at least someone else thinks the same.

Player by Tinashe and Chris Brown, ends, and she sits up in a split, a proud smile on her face, and the crowd goes wild, literally. The things they shouted at her made me want to go take a long scalding shower. Men were vulgar creatures no matter the species or realm of origin.

The surprising choice of music aside; I didn't know they were so in tune with Earth, her performance was amazing, for a stripper audition, and no I'm not being judgy, maybe a little.

"Are we allowed to do all that?" I ask Eislyn who is now seated, on a floor cushion beside me.

"You are competing to be someone's mate and one of the best strategies is to get the crowd on your side. Everyone loves a good show, the more inappropriate the better so most contenders tend to go the extra mile." She turns to look up at me, "Just be happy you wouldn't have to show off your sexual prowess," turning back to the stage, she adds, "Or lack thereof."

The barb hits home and I huff, also shifting my attention back to the stage as the second girl is introduced. The rest of the performances range from cooking to archery and sword fighting, courtesy of Ciara, and finally, the girl right next to me is called up.

Nerves riddling my entire self, I turn towards Eislyn, "No one danced, can I do that?"

"Are you sure?" she asks sceptical.

"It's all I got, so it will have to do."

"Can't you do anything else?" She pleads.

I could sing, but something weird happens every time I sing. Not to toot my own horn, but I was great at it, that wasn't the issue. When I sing, something else takes over and I'm like a spectator watching it all happen.

Everyone listening always appears entranced once I'm done, not in a creepy way, but it was still weird, so no singing.

"Nothing else," I confirm trying not to take offence when her face drops.

"Don't look so glum, I'm pretty decent, I won't embarrass you don't worry," I assure her and my crippled pride.

She doesn't look too convinced but she nods her head resigned, bitch!

"Well, you can't dance in that," she says waving a hand from my head to my toes.

A minute later, I feel the change occur and I'm left in a pair of comfy tights, a sleeveless hooded Henley, and some sneakers. The outfit was killer but paired with my intricate hairdo, I was sure I looked ridiculous.

"Tell me what music are you going to use so that I can forward it early?"

I tell her and I'm quite but pleasantly surprised that she recognizes it a naughty smile sneaking up her face. Maybe this realm had some redeeming points after all.

"Ohhhh! Now I can't wait to see you dance," she says and hurries off.

I turn my attention back to my neighbour on stage, and I reluctantly admit that she was killing it. She's cradling the microphone crooning to an unfamiliar song, but judging from the surrounding looks, I would guess the song was pretty popular around here.

Her voice washes over me leaving goose bumps in its wake and soon I find myself on my feet swaying a stupid grin on my face with no recollection of how that happened. The rest of the crowd is standing too.

The song rises to a crescendo and as immediately as it did, she lowers the key dramatically ending the song in a whisper that sends chills down my back. I was leaning towards the stage as if beckoned but once she stops singing, I slam back into my chair as if the strings holding me up had been snapped.

There's an awkward silence before the crowd erupts and she smiles shyly, heading back to her seat.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask once she's seated.

Turning bored eyes towards me the expression from the stage wiped out she answers, "My talent git."

Before I could talk back; and trust me I was rearing to go; I hear my name mentioned and a smattering of applause is heard like people weren't sure whether or not to cheer.

Before I make it to the stage, someone grabs my hand and I turn to find Eislyn looking frantic.

"The bastard said he can't find your track," She explains pointing to a hidden booth where an elf male stands with headphones in his hand looking smug.

"Can't he stream it live then, surely you have the internet here, right?"

"He's adamant about not getting it, I just think he's trying to sabotage you."

"You don't say," I murmur "What on earth would make you think that hmm? I ask out loud.

She goes to retort, not liking my sarcasm, but I cut her off, "Go get Ryder, and his phone, if he still has it."

Turning to the stage I motion for the MC, "Can you find something to do for a while? There's been a little technical hiccup."

He turns and stares towards a sectioned-off seating area and I follow his eyes only to lock eyes with the freaking King; I hadn't even realised he was there, though that was stupid of me, of course he would come to observe his own mate trials.

The MC must have gotten some approval because he nods to me, "Hurry it up then!" before turning to regale the antsy crowd.

That sorted, I stomp to the booth and look down on the now-seated DJ looking all superior and shit until he stands up. Damn, did they get stretched bones or something in this damn place.

Undeterred, I fix him with my best glare, "You really can't find my music or are you just being hard-headed?" I ask channelling my mum voice.

"I am under strict orders to not find it, the pri—"

He then immediately clams up as if realizing he was about to let something spill.

So, it was the princes? Flipping asshats!

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