47. Eleena.

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"I shouldn't even be surprised," mutters Killian as he yanks me through the shield, sword in tow. I needed to name it, something that magnificent deserved a name.

I have a name.

Shock has me screeching to a halt gaping up at it, causing Keon to almost crash into my back.

Did it just talk?



Not it, she.

What's your name?


"Why are you gawking at it? We need to keep moving."

The sword zooms towards Killian at his irritated words, sparking agitatedly.

The man has the sense to at least back away eyes wary, there's hope for him it seems.

My name is Eleena, it means one who shines in the darkness, now keep moving, Rhys is getting antsy.


I'm slammed to the floor of the forest before I complete my sentence as Keon tackles me to the ground.

There's a thunk of something sharp on a fleshy surface the next minute and I look up at the arrow still vibrating on the tree bark right where my head would have been.

Well shit!

"Move it! They mean business." Keon barks helping me up.

I'm looking at Eleena wishing there was a way to carry her easily, when she disappears in a flash. A familiar tingling travels through my body again, but before I can think more about it, we are running again.

After what feels like two hours of running, my legs give out and I fall to my knees, huffing and panting.

Keon sighs as Killian just looks at me like he wishes I would just disappear.

"What? I start irritated, "I need a breather, no use coming all the way here to just escort a dead body home that would be stupid, so rest... please," I add as an afterthought.

"Where did it go? demands Keon.

I knew he meant the sword but I wasn't ready for that conversation so I just shrug.

His face scrunches and he gives me the eyes mama does when she thinks I'm being naughty, right before she whoops my ass... and no I'm not kidding, it has happened.

"You really have no..." Killian starts before I cut him off.

"Nope, nada, zilch, zero ideas, this here," I gesture to my head, "Is very empty... nothing in there... capiche?"


"Breaks over, stand up," says Killian cutting Keon off.

"Why can't you guys just use magic to get us there in a jiffy?"

Killian looks affronted as he answers, "That would have been my first option, but we can't."

"Why..." I insist.


I sigh as I stand up again, legs wobbly and from the corner of my eyes I catch both men jerking as if to catch me before I fell. Somehow the fact that they care enough to catch me when I fell gives me a surge of energy and I'm moving again, my stupid heart pumping faster and not because I was panting


"Oh my God!" I huff as we continue running up another hill, "Why does our escape route have to be this way, if I don't stop, my heart will."

MAGE CHRONICLES: THE BEGINNINGWhere stories live. Discover now