Author's note: There will be some murder and violence here, so if you're not comfortable with that, I recommend that you don't read ahead. In fact, most chapters in this book will have mild-extreme violence and gore, so proceed with full knowledge of that. Thanks!

P.S. Don't forget to vote and comment :D



My phone vibrates with a message just as I leave my office for the day.

It's from the girl I had met a week ago, a couple days?

I pick it up.

'It's me, Skyler. We met yesterday.'


Also, holy shit who writes like that on fucking iMessage, punctuations and all.

I respond to her text. 'yeah i remember you, what's up?'

She types for some time and then stops, she sends me an address and goes offline almost immediately.

I try to text her on what I would do with a random location, but I just figure we're gonna meet there. I book a cab and head there. It's no longer than a 15-minute drive. But, it's a part of town I've never seen. It's a densely forested area, there was an old cabana there, it's coated with dust and cobwebs. 

I stand, observing the little details, it was obviously built really long ago, even thought it was dirty, it was still holding up. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder out of nowhere. I turn around to see the weird-ass woman who had me travel at 3 AM to a goddamn haunted-looking location. I'm still waiting for Micheal Myers to show up any second now.

Skyler tilts her head a little, a small glow on her face from the lamp she was holding. 

"You're up at 3 AM?" I ask.

"So are you." 

"Well, I have a job."

"So do I." she says, her siren eyes judging me. Of course, I'm taller than her, so she didn't intimidate me, her neck was practically in a 70 degree angle trying to look up at me.

"Where do you work?" she asks me.

I sigh and my shoulders loosen up. "A suicide prevention hotline."

"I see." She looks like she's in deep thought about it.

"Well, what about you?" I ask her, impatiently.

"Not important." She says, tensing up.

"Come on, how bad can it be?"

She purses her lips and archs her eyebrows.

Then it hits me, I can't control myself, so I just say it.

"Oh shit, are you a prostitute?"

She starts coughing and I try to stifle my laughter by biting my tongue, but it doesn't work.

I'm basically cracking up while Skyler potentially chokes in shock.

"Holy fuck, no! Of course not!" she says, looking a little mad.

"You sure?" I ask, smirking, trying to bite my smile away.

"YES I'M SURE. Goddamn, fine I'll tell you."

"Uh huh, go ahead. Better not be a stripper or a pole dancer." I say, mockingly.

"I'm the daughter of the mafia boss."

"You're what?"


"And I'm the President."

A Little DeathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora