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'Oh my god, you're such an idiot.' she says, tying my bow tie. 

'I haven't ever needed to go to a spoiled brat get-together or a wedding, my bad.'

'Shut up.' she says, with her hands up to her forehead, and my neck.

I look down at her, concentrating on my tie and she looks up sensing my gaze.


'Oh, nothing, just thinking about a minute ago.'

I swear I see her cheeks redden just a bit.

'Let me focus on this tie, stop moving your neck.'

I remember just a minute ago when she had walked in when I was wearing the black shirt she had gotten for me unbuttoned and had tried to leave.

I grabbed her by the fabric of the lower part of her backless dress, where the red dress met her hips and pulled her back.

Skyler's POV

I had walked into the room to his shirt unbuttoned. He pulled me back and his torso brushed my back. His abs were really fucking ROCK SOLID. He'd wrapped his hand around my waist and I'd looked back instinctively, to be met with his chest. He'd turned me around by my waist and put his hand on my cheek, his thumb in front of my ear and his fingers behind it. I'd tried to get away by pushing him away, but he pulled me closer and I just ended up, frozen with my hands on his chest and maybe it'd been easier to try again if he didn't look like the human reincarnation of sex.

'You like this, don't you?' He said with that smirk that'd annoy me but his deep voice mixed with it made it really hard to stand on my knees right then.

I'd looked up, like I always had to because I was way shorter than him and I hated myself for it.

I'd tried to tell him to shut up but I said something like 'buh dub' I know that because he had laughed after I said it. I knew I was standing, eyes wide and dumb for about a minute. There was heat EMANATING from him and I'd tried to leave but my legs were inevitably jell-o.

He pulled me closer and removed the hand he had running through my hair and put it back around my waist and worked his hand slowly up my back. He took my arms and put them around his shoulders, he tilted my chin upwards, and we made eye contact as he leaned in towards my lips. 

I regained strength in my legs and decided to make a run for it but managed to move half a centimeter before Joshua stopped me and crashed his lips against mine. I hated myself for kissing him back and we'd only stopped 5 minutes later when I'd realized we would be late.

Now I was standing fixing his bow tie on his suit that was way too tight for him. He'd decided to leave his shirt half unbuttoned and it was getting really fucking hard to ignore his muscular chest just left uncovered like that.

'Alright, let's go' I say, forcing the thoughts of him aggressively making out with me out of my brain.

We hop into the cab and I get in first, into the backseat, he comes in behind me.

'You're not sitting in the front seat?'


I move closer to the window, trying to avoid another whateverthatwas.

I roll down the window and the sky is a beautiful olive blue. I breathe in the fresh, cool air.

We reach the party an hour after a lot of staring outside to avoid eye contact with Joshua.

'Woah, you're a spoiled rich brat.' he says, looking up at the building.


'Alright, let's go in then. Follow me.'

'It's ladies first, you know.'

'Too bad.' he says, walking unapologetically in front of me.

He opens the door when a guard stops him, then he glares at the guard and the guard opens the door. What the fuck was that?

He walks in and I follow. 

He waits until I walk ahead of him in the large club. Then he grabs me by the hips.

'What are you doing?'

'I'm your date remember? Gotta act like one. Alright, who do we have to kill?'

'That dude, right there. And we don't have to kill him.' I point to a man in a red velvet suit. 

'Done.' He walks over to him, before I can stop him.

He seems to talk to him and leaves the room with him and looks at me. I follow him instinctively as they reach the parking lot. I peep from a corner. 

'Is this some sort of joke?' Tomer asks annoyed.

'Oh, I'll be the one laughing at the end, though.' Joshua punches him on the nose. 

I run towards him. 'Skyler? What are you doing here?'

'General! Long time no see!'

'Your father's been looking for you, you know.'

'I assume you sent the men to get me? Did my father not tell you to bring me back without a single scratch?'

'No, he knew you'd be able to defend yourself pretty well.' 

I smile, 'Didn't stop you from telling your men to go easy, huh? How many windpipes did you have to repair?'

'A lot.' he says, shaking his head casually. Oblivious to the danger that is me, how dare he fucking underestimate me.

'Get ready to pay for one more.' I swing my leg and hit his forehead with my designer Antonio Vietri heels. He pukes up some blood. Now I'll have to get new ones. 

Before I can hit him anymore, he gets up and tries to attack me, but Joshua grabs him by the hair and pulls him to the ground.

'Ladies first.' he says, face full of joy.

I jump on him, and grab a knife from my purse. I stab him in the eyes and pierce his stomach and liver.

'Blood loss is a painful way to die, Tomer' I say, as he cries out in agony.


'Even if you lived to tell this tale, I wouldn't worry about it, he doesn't like you much.' Joshua says landing one final kick to his balls.

He screams like an 8 year old girl. Some chief general.


Author's Note: First kiss, hehe- Shit is getting spicy~

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