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" You guys haven't completed the target I gave you but since I love you all so much, here is the chapter. " ~cara


Adhira's POV

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. My heart was in my throat the whole time. While I was confident I could win there was still an uncertainty inside me, I had gotten better but he too would have practised in these years right?

I only relaxed when I won, not even one move before that. I wasn't lying when I said I don't want to wait anymore. And knowing him he would've taken the hint. But he's Shivansh, extravagance is in his blood so I knew he'd plan something too extraordinary for just a proposal and that'll take too much time. Time I didn't want to waste.

He could plan the wedding however he wants but I'm not delaying it any longer and it's not like there's a rule that only boys can propose. If girls deserve princess treatment then my man deserves prince treatment too. After all he's actually a prince, he can't have anything less than that.

I already had a ring from the time I had visited Bangalore two years ago, the ring had spoken volumes to me. It was a simple and plain gold band. Nothing too extravagant, just like he liked his accessories to be. I don't know why I bought it, there was never even a plan to come back two years ago. But when I tried to leave without the ring it was like something pulled me back and compelled me to buy it.

I wasn't even sure if it was his size but I still kept it. And when a week ago I decided that I've waited enough, I took the ring to the jeweller to ask if they could adjust the size of the ring. As for his size, i just slipped one of his extra rings from his drawer and gave it to the jeweller. It's not like he noticed one of his ring missing and I placed it back the next day itself. Truly.

When the ring was set, the question arose of how to propose and I had to go to Saloni to ask for suggestions. That girl first squealed for a whole twenty minutes before coming to the point.

It was their idea to do it in the back garden, I wasn't sure if it'll work because I didn't believe Shiv wouldn't notice their movements. But her reply was, “ That man even forgets himself when he's near you much less his surroundings. ”

I blushed but now I've realised it's damn true. Even I knew what was happening but my man was really so engrossed in the game that he had no idea what was happening.

I had called Harshita last night when everything was finalised, telling her that I'm going to propose. That girl shrieked so loud that I still hear the after effects in my ear. She just landed in the morning and came directly to the Palace along with my other friends.

The game was only meant as a distraction but it meant something more to me as well.. It was during the game when I felt the butterflies for the first time, when I had tried to snatch my pawn from him during a game and I had felt my whole world stop when our hands touched. It meant something else, even the fourteen year old me knew it. And that's how my silly crush started, I was growing, learning about crushes and feelings and hormones and he elicited everything in me that I watched in movies.

The condition or demand as I said it was just a security. It's not like he'll say no, I'd murder him with my own hands if he did that but he could've delayed it or something. I mean tried to do it his own way so I kept the bet.

Now as I look at him grinning so foolishly I can't help but chuckle. I'm crazy to think he'll want to delay it. My Shiv isn't like those egoistic men who'd feel it bruised their ego that a girl proposed to them, as if it's their right. On the contrary I could see him being elated at the fact that I took the initiative. And moreover it's not everyday that I'll get to see that stupefied expression on his face that says he has no idea what he is supposed to do.

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