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Many people would hate me for saying this, but I enjoy going to school.

No, it's not because I'm a geek or teacher's pet. It's because that's the only part of my day where I'm not around my family. I'm not caged in a house where nothing is under my control and I have to be seen as perfect. In a sense, I'm free.

Of course, I still have to get perfect grades and attendance. I despise homework and early mornings as much as the next guy. However, at school, I don't have to act perfectly in front of others. I'm allowed to cuss and laugh as loudly as I please around my friends. I'm allowed to freely say that I hate math and science. I'm allowed to have a breath of fresh air away from the prison my house feels like.

"I didn't do the homework."

I roll my eyes, glancing at the blank assignment on his computer screen. "You never do the homework."

"Yeah, but I actually thought once or twice about doing it this time."

Some people only talk to me in order to get answers, which irks me. My inability to say no doesn't help my case. I think Tate is my only exception when it comes to letting people cheat off of me. Our routine is me doing most of the work, sending him it, then helping him change the wording so it doesn't look like he stole my answers. I know he's not friends with me just for my intelligence, so I don't mind helping him out.

"Watcha reading?"

A grin spreads across my face at Justin's question. One thing that we bond over is our love for reading. I swear, every other day, one of us is rambling about a book we've read, giving each other every last detail

I show Justin the cover of the book, watching his eyes widen at the title. His jaw drops, knowing the exact content of the book. Holding back my giggles, I look back down at the pages. "You're reading that in school?"


"Have you gotten to the dungeon scene where they-"

"Reading that part right now."

Justin snorts, mumbling how crazy I am for reading such an erotic book in the middle of class. To me, I don't see a problem with it. As long as I dont get a boner, everything's fine.

Tate looks over my shoulder, squinting at the word. His eyes brows knit together, confusion striking across his face. Bless his heart. Tate has always struggled with reading, so it takes him an entire minute to read a paragraph. "Are they banging?" I hum and nod. "Ooh, I wanna read it."

"Tate, you hate reading," Justin remarks. "And you're dyslexic."

"That didn't matter when I was spelling my name on your-"

"Stop," Justin screeches, looking around to make no one heard his boyfriend's dirty remark. Everyone's too busy on their phones, talking amongst themselves, or simply not caring. Ah, how I love burnt out teenagers. "Do your homework."


For the rest of class, Tate completes his assignments while I quietly gasps at my book. I'd snap my head towards Justin and show him a specific line, my jaw to the floor every time. The boy would chuckle at my shock and encourage me to continue reading. I enjoy the plot, but the spiciness makes the book ten times better. Especially since I'm reading it around 20 other kids.

When the bell for the period to end rings, Justin makes the offer he gives everyday."Do you want to get lunch with Tate and I?"

Since we're seniors, we're allowed to leave campus during our lunch period. Most of the time, I cry in my car while forcing myself to eat a granola bar so my brain becomes less foggy. Other times, I tag along with Justin and Tate for their company rather than food.

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