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Unfortunately, I am unable to avoid Diego forever.

After crying and starving all of Sunday and avoiding everyone on Monday, work came along. How could I have forgotten that I work with him? It's too late to call out, and I don't want to seem cowardly.

"I need to repaint the cabinet next door," is the first thing Dayanara tells me as I walk into a unit. What? Why would she leave me alone with Diego? Can't she feel the tension? Is she being serious?  "It'll only take like...30 minutes."

30 minutes? 30 fucking minutes? 30 minutes in a room with Diego. 30 minutes of my heart crushing and falling apart. 30 minutes of me not being able to breathe. "I can do it for you."

"No, it's okay. Just help Diego with the back bedroom."

Without another word, Dayanara leaves. I scowl, in disbelief that she abandoned me. Why is she doing this to me? I can't handle being alone with her brother right now. Just the thought of it makes me want to puke.

I take my time walking to the back room. With every step I grow more nauseous. My heart beats faster as my hands start to shake. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this.

When I enter the room, vomit rises and burns my chest. Seeing Diego makes me want to cry, puke, and die all at the same time. And gosh, why does he look so good? Why does a white, paint stained shirt look so hot on him?

Our eyes don't meet, not once. As Diego works inside the closet, I paint the window seals. Knowing we're in the same room and not talking kills me. The energy is worse now than it was months ago we hated each other

The tension intensifies to a point that I begin to grow lightheaded. My heart cannot stop pounding to the point that it's all I can focus on. I place my fingers against my pulse, feeling it quicken more by the second.

"Are you okay?"

Hearing his voice makes me not alright. It makes me almost drop to my knees and sob all the tears I've let out over the last 3 days. "Mhm."

I look over, my heart dropping when my eyes lock with Diego's. Concern is written across his face as he stares at me. Though Diego looks like a distressed mess (as do I), he still looks so fucking beautiful. "You look like you're about to be sick."

Heat pours down on me, but internally, I am freezing. Sweat coats my throbbing forehead, but it becomes icy a millisecond after. My brain separates from the rest of my body, drifting away from everything around me.

"I'm uh..."

I can't say I'm okay, because I'm clearly not. The sickly feelings coarsing through my body is unfamiliar. What's happening? Why do I feel so sick? Why can't I breathe?

My body forces me to lean against the wall, feeling as if it's seconds away from giving out. The fuzzy, floaty feeling in my head intensifies, and Im unsure why. Is this just a bad brain fog? Am I just hungry? What's going on?

Diego comes over to me, placing the back of his hand on my neck. He scans over my face, his gaze lingering on my flushed cheeks and tear-stained eyes. "You're burning up, Smith."

I try to speak, but my tongue stops working, and so does my brain. Diego asks me something, but I can't process his words. As try to move, my vision becomes a blurred mess. My heart beat grows faster and faster, and I feel disconnected from anything.

The last thing I hear is;

Thump. Thump. Thump

However, the first thing I hear when waking up is:

i can't breathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें