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There's some wordy bits, but it's a long and cute chapter <3


Friday night could not have came faster.

The second my parents approved of the plans, time slowed down. The days following up dragged on, and I craved more and more time with Diego. No phone calls or text messages could satisfy how it felt being in his presence.

When Friday finally arrives, I can't contain my excitement. I stare at the clock all day, waiting for the moment for school to get out. In my classes, I can hardly focus on my work or find the mindset to complete anything. All I can think about is Diego.

Throughout the school day, we text back and fourth expressing our excitement. Expressing how excited we are to be alone again. To just be in our own little worlds with each other without a worry. And gosh, I want that more than anything.

Finally, the school day ends and I can't be happier. I may or may not have sped to Diego's house, but that's not important. The only thing I care about is seeing him and spending the rest of today and tomorrow with him.

Dayanara hangs out with me for the hour Diego is at basketball practice before going to her friends house. Her plan is to stay the night with the friend, then the two will sneak out to see Jamal and his friend. I tell Dayanara how stupid the idea is, but she insists that it'll go well.

Minutes after Diego comes home, Dayanara grabs her things to leave. The moment Dayanara walks out the door, Diego and I snap our heads towards each other with smiles. We're alone. Alone at last. And I can't be happier, no matter what part of Hell I end up in.

"I meant to asks this earlier, but what do you want for dinner?"

Oh shit. How could I have given food a single thought today when I had such positive things to look forward to instead? "I dunno."

How can I get out of this? Is there any way to get out of eating dinner? I doubt it. Diego loves food and I don't want him to be hungry. My only solution is to suck it up and try to eat.

"Well, what's your favorite meal?"

I can't think of a single meal I can mentally or physically handle. The thought of eating in front of Diego creates knots in my stomach. I don't want him to think I eat weirdly or too much.

"Uh..." What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I- "Speghetti."

Why did I say that? Of course I would say pasta. Of course I would say I enjoy carbs like that fat ass I am. What is wrong with me? He's going to think I'm gross and big.

"Do you like meat balls?" Balls. Balls. Balls. A giggle leaves my mouth. "Dude, don't laugh at that."

My chortles halts. Why did he call me 'dude'? Is he mad at me? Should I not have laughed? Does he now think I'm perverted and weird? Is this how Tate feels when Justin calls him 'dude'?

"I'm sorry."

Diego's face falls at my apology. "No, no, I was kidding. You have nothing to be sorry about." A soft sigh of relief leaves me. Thank goodness he's not mad. "But seriously, do you like meatballs?"

Do I like meatballs? Yes. Am I okay with eating meatballs? I'm not sure. Knowing I have to eat carbs is terrifying enough. "Yeah."

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