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Kinda edited <3


"We need to celebrate."

"No we don't," I insist.

Tate begins to take sob while throwing his arms around me. "My Smithy lost his virginity." I roll my eyes, but can't help but smile as I pat the blonde's back. "Does this mean we can have a foursome?"

Justin groans at his boyfriend's words, "Tate." I giggle, not expecting anything less from the boy. I'm surprised he hasn't made a comment like that sooner.  "How was it,"

Amazing. Otherworldly. The greatest thing that's ever happened to me. A new beginning. The coolest shit ever. "Really good."

"How are you able to sit right now," Tate asks.

My eyebrows knit together. What does me sitting have to do with my virginity?  Maybe his brain is more dumb today than usual. "What do you mean?"

"I've seen Diego's dick. There's no way you're not sore." My cheeks glow red. I haven't given the two many details about last night other than the fact I lost my virginity. I haven't included yet that Diego bottomed and I have yet to take it up the ass. "Did he put just the tip?"

I, most definitely, used more than just the tip. "No."

Suddenly, Tate lets out the loudest gasp I've heard in my entire life. And based on his shock, I know that he knows. "He bottomed," he exclaims in a whisper. I hush Tate before glancing around the classroom. No one seems to be paying any mind to us, but I still don't want anyone hearing us. "No fucking way."

Justin's eyes bulge out of his head, especially because I'm not denying the assumption. I mean, how can I? I guess by my ability to sit, I can't lie or argue. And I'm sure Diego skipping school today doesn't help my case. "Wait, did he?"

Wait, is it weird that Diego bottomed? Is this a bad thing? Oh gosh, what's wrong with me not wanting to get butt-fucked? "I wasn't ready to so he offered..."

"That's so gay," Tate chortles.

"No, it's sweet," Justin counters while elbowing his boyfriend. He turns his attention to me, offering me a smile while Tate continues giggling like a child. "It's good that he offered."

Is it a good? Why is Tate laughing then? What's wrong with Diego being sweet and not pushing me to do something I'm comfortable with? We both had an amazing time, and that's all I care about. "Is it?"

Justin is quick to reassure me. "We just didn't expect it." Yeah, that's fair. The entire thing still surprises me. However, I'm just happy I'm able to sit and have more time to mentally prepare. "Is this why he's not at school today?"

With cherry red cheeks, I nod. "Yeah."

Tate stops his laughing so he can chime back in. "Damn, man, you fucked him too hard."

Or he fucked himself on me too hard. Either works.

The rest of the school day goes by slow since I don't see Diego between classes. However, I wish the day dragged on even more because I don't want to go home. Dealing with my parents after having such a magical night is the last thing I want.

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