Chapter 21

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Guinevere's pov

I woke up to see we were still on the plane. My head was fuzzy and I was fighting so I didn't fall into the headspace of a newborn. I heard movement next to me and so I tried to look. I saw Mommy.

I kicked my leg and Mommy took me out of the car seat. I pulled on Mommy's shirt but she did not lift her shirt.

"Baby girl, I know you want milk but our diaper is very full," Mommy said

"Hubby, do you mind moving those long legs?"Mommy asked Daddy

Daddy moved his legs and Mommy walked into the bathroom. I saw a lot of people so I pushed my neck into Mommy's neck. Mommy rubbed my back. I was placed on the changing table where Mommy took off my winter onesie because it was pretty hot. Mommy changed my diaper into a new one and left me in my onesie. Mommy did walk back where I saw that Daddy was awake.

I made grabby hands to Daddy who took me from Mommy and I was placed on Daddy's lap. Daddy started playing with my little fingers while I looked at what Daddy did.

I was fighting the headspace but that made me fussy. I tried to take Daddy's hands away from mine.

"Hey pumpkin, what is wrong?"Daddy asked

I turned around on Daddy's lap and I put my head on his chest. Daddy kissed me on my head and was rubbing my back.

"What is wrong pumpkin?"Daddy asked and I started to cry silently.

"Kiddo can you tell Daddy what is wrong and what you are sobbing?"Daddy asked

I shook my head and Daddy rubbed my back.

"I think she fights her headspace," Mommy said

"Pumpkin are you fighting your age regression?"Daddy asked

I just continue to cry and mommy takes me from daddy. Mommy lifted her shirt and moved her nursing bra. Mommy helped me to latch on her nipple. I started sucking while I am sucking I am still crying fighting this age regression.

"Baby girl it is okay if you fall into the headspace of a newborn. We will still have fun and if you think you are going to make the holiday bad I just want you to say you make us happy. I would rather have you be comfortable."Mommy said

"Pumpkin we will still have a wonderful holiday no matter what age you regress to, "Daddy said

I kept on sucking while crying. I do not want to mess up this holiday because this is my first holiday with my new parents. The people that live with me and care for me.

"Sugar plum it is okay if you fall deeper into the headspace. Daddy and I are right here. Let Daddy and I take care of you because we want you to be comfortable. Daddy and I are not going to get upset if you fall into a deeper headspace."Mommy said and I closed my eyes and then opened them to see everything goes fuzzy.

I make my hands in a tight ball and put them on top of Mommy's boob. Daddy looks at me and he smiles.

"There we go. Mommy and I are right here. Mommy and I love you and we will do anything for you."Daddy said and Daddy held my feet.

Mommy puts her head on Daddy's shoulder while I am sucking the sweet warm milk that was helping me to stay calm.

"She is so adorable while sucking the milk," Daddy said and Mommy kept rubbing my cheek.

"Yeah, she is very adorable. She does love those foot rubs."Mommy said

Daddy smiled and kissed Mommy on her head. Daddy and Mommy are both looking at me while I am sucking slow.

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