chapter 38

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Nevan's pov

I woke up to the movement in the room. I saw it was Luke trying to get comfortable. I stood up from the bed and I walked to his bed.

"Hey, kiddo what is wrong?"I asked

Luke started crying and seemed to be in pain. I walked out of the room to ask a nurse to get the doctor down there. I walk back into the room and I sit down on a chair next to Luke. I got her hand in mine.

"Luke squeezed my hand as hard as you," I said

Luke started squeezing my hand and he was crying. I wish I could take his pain away but I cannot. The doctor ran into the room with some painkillers. He injects it is the IV line that is in the hand instead of the bag. Luke takes a deep breath and he calms down.

The doctor did his check-up and he walked out. I hear him telling the nurse to keep Luke comfortable.

"There we go. The pain is all gone. Would you like some water?"I ask

Luke nodded his head and I grabbed his bottle. I hold it for him while he gulps the water down.

"Do you want to shower today?"I asked

"Yeah, I feel dirty," Luke said

"Who do you want in that bathroom?"I asked

"You and Talia and Steven, please, "Luke said

"I can do that for you. What do you want to do?"I asked

"I don't know. I cannot move and I am getting bored."Luke said

"Give me a moment," I said

I walked out of the room to the nurses and the doctor.

"Can we get Luke in a wheelchair so I can take him outside for some fresh air?"I asked

"Yeah, we can do that but a nurse must be with you."The doctor said

We all walked into the room and I wrote on a piece of paper saying where Luke and I were. The wheelchair they have is one you can lay on. They get Luke on it with all his iV bags hanging. The nurse grabbed the handles and I held Luke's hand as we walked.

When we got outside the nurse gave us some privacy. Luke looked around and up in the sky.

"It was such a nice day," Luke said

"Yeah. Talia and I have to go to the new house and paint it. Get it all ready. So your grandparents are going to look after you and Guinevere."I said

Luke nodded his head and we spent an hour outside enjoying the sun. The nurse told us it was time to go back in so we did.

"Thank you Nevan that was really what I needed, "Luke said

"You are welcome, son, "I said

"Is he going to shower today?"The nurse asked

"Yes," I said

"I am going to leave in this wheelchair then.  When you are ready call me so I can remove the gown and the heart monitor."The nurse said and I thanked him.

"Hello, baby boy. How was that vitamin D?" Talia asked

"I needed it so much. "Luke said

"I have all of your clothes ready," Talia said

The nurse walked into the room. My dad is getting the shower ready while we get Luke undressed. I could not get in with him but I could be in the bathroom with him.

The gown was removed and the heart monitor. Luke was breathing heavily so everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Hey Luke I need you to take deep breaths. Nobody is going to hurt you. You are safe. I am right here so is Talia. Would you like some music?"I asked

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