chapter 25

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Guinevere's pov

I woke up hungry as I could rat a while shake. Daddy woke up to me whining. Daddy and Mommy let me sleep with them. Daddy sat up and then picked me up.

"Hey pumpkin what is wrong?"Daddy asked me and I whined again. Daddy placed me between his legs and took off the swaddle. I put my arms as high as they can go. Daddy let me do my stretch and he changed my diaper I was wet. When I did feel the cold air hit my princess parts I started crying because I did not like that at all.

"I know you do not like that. But we are all done."Daddy said

Daddy dressed me in my onesie and he stood with me in his arms. Daddy walked to the kitchen while I was whining because I was so hungry.

"I know you are hungry. Daddy is working on it. I am almost done."Daddy said while bouncing me. I saw Daddy putting the lid on the baby bottle. Daddy then switched off the lights while walking to the master bedroom where Mommy was sleeping. Daddy says down on the bed where he cradles me with a warm blanket over my body. Daddy did rub the nipple over my life and I got a latch. I kept on grunting while drinking the milk that tasted just like mommy's.

"There we go, "Daddy said while I kept sucking. Daddy put his head back while holding the bottle. When I was done, Daddy did grab a burp cloth and started burping me. There was a burp then spit up.

"There we go. Now you should feel better."Daddy said

Daddy placed me down on the bed but I started crying. Daddy did pick me up again and I calmed down. I then tried putting my hand on Daddy's shirt wanting to be close to him.

"What is wrong pumpkin?"Daddy asked

I just whined and I did pull in Daddy's shirt. Daddy took off his shirt and placed me on his skin. I did calm down a little but not completely so I did whine again.

Daddy stood up with me and started bouncing me but I will not calm.

"Pumpkin what is wrong?"Daddy asked and I just started crying.

Daddy then placed me on the bed and removed all my clothes. Daddy did put me on his body where I started calming down. Daddy did lay down in bed with me on his chest and the blanket till my shoulders. I closed my eyes and everything went dark.


I woke up to my diaper wet and I was really hungry. Daddy was still sleeping but then I saw that Mommy was awake on her laptop. I did whine and Mommy looked at me to see I was awake.

"Hello baby girl, "Mommy said

Mommy took me from Daddy and Mommy made sure that Daddy had a blanket to his ears. Mommy placed me on my back and started changing my diaper was so wet.

"Now why are you just in a diaper?"Mommy asked and I just kicked my legs. Mommy then looked over to Daddy to see a bottle on the bedside table.

"Did you wake up in the middle of the night hungry?"Mommy asked

I whined again and Mommy picked me up. I pulled on Mommy's shirt and she lifted her shirt so I could latch on. Mommy helped me to latch on and when I had a good lunch I started sucking so fast.

Mommy put the blanket over my body and I felt so warm. Mommy looked down at me while rubbing my cheek with her fingers.

"You are so adorable. Your lips have gotten so fat so have those cheeks. You suck just like daddy."Mommy said. I kept on grunting while I was sucking the sweet milk.

"We should let Daddy sleep," Mommy said

Mommy grabbed four blankets and covered me with the blankets. Mommy walked out of the room into the kitchen where Mommy did up the kettle and put it on.

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