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It's been three days since Tamara was put into a coma. The doctors said she was recovering well, but they couldn't fully predict when she would wake up. They had said the mixture of sedation and the amount of stress on Tamara's body would have her out for a few days. They just weren't sure how long exactly which wasn't helping Lucy's stress.

Lucy typed on her computer. She'd taken the three days off to be by Tamara's side and was now filing a sheet out online to take off a fourth. She was getting endless support from her coworkers and friends and couldn't be more thankful for them.

She sipped on her coffee while pressing the "submit request" button on the screen and shut her computer. She got up and stretched, looking at Tamara. Lucy could feel the constant beeping of Tamara's machines in her bones. She shook off any negative thoughts she had and walked into the hallway of the hospital.

She tried to take a few deep breaths in. The stress was getting to her. She wiped her eyes, which were starting to go blurry. "God, I hate this." She whispered to herself.

Echoing footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. Lucy looked to her right, expecting to see some doctor or nurse.


Lucy watched as he came down the hall, holding a few bags. She felt the tears escape her eyes and fall down her cheeks as the footsteps quickened.

Tim didn't say anything when he got to where Lucy was standing in the hallway. He set down the bags of food he had brought with him and took Lucy in his arms. He felt warm tears soak through the shirt he was wearing. He didn't care. He put his hand on top of her head and rubbed her back.

Lucy was brought back to the night they had gone to the bar. It seemed like years had passed since that night. She looked up at Tim, ending the hug but not leaving his arms.

Tim looked down at her and couldn't help but take in her facial features. How marvelous they were to him. The facial expression, however, made his chest ache. Seeing her like this and being completely helpless made Tim feel like he was drowning. He couldn't imagine how she was feeling.

Lucy looked at the stoic man in front of her. His face had never wavered before, but now, under a new pretense, he seemed to be letting her in.


It was something Lucy had never seen from Tim Bradford before. There may have been a few times where he slightly showed a soft side, but now. It was like his walls had crumbled in front of her.

Lucy broke off the hug and looked down at the bags of what seemed to be food. "What is it?" She asked, her tiny voice still making an echo in the somewhat empty hospital hall.

Tim picked the bags up. "Veggie burger with fries." He lifted the bag that contained her food in it and, with a slight of hand, moved his bag away from her view.

Of course, Tim couldn't escape the eyes of Lucy. "And that?" She said, with an almost accusatory tone. Tim looked at her and gave the weakest smile he could. "Double bacon cheeseburger with onions." They walked towards the hospital room door.

"Wow. That's... a lot." Lucy said. She was almost astonished. Tim was usually a pretty healthy person, mainly staying away from red meat and "unhealthy" foods.

"I haven't eaten all day. Give me a break." They had made it inside the room and made a makeshift dinner table, sitting across from each other.

The "comfort" of awkward silence ensued as both cops started eating. Tim, with slightly more haste in his eating, was a little put off by the scenery they were subjected to. He glanced over at Tamara, and his stomach twisted.

For a moment, he regretted the amount of food he had gotten. She looked so weak and... lifeless. He moved his eyes back to Lucy, who had noticed his glancing.

"Have they given any updates?" Tim asked. Lucy looked down at the rest of her food. "Not really. They keep saying that we just have to wait. That she'll wake up soon, but..." Lucy trailed off for a few seconds. "I just hate seeing her like this."

Tim nodded and looked at Lucy. "She's gonna be ok." He reached over and squeezed her hand. Lucy looked at him and smiled, a wave of warmth circulating in her chest. Having Tim by her side was nice.

"Did Angela and Nyla find anything on the guy that crashed into Tamara?" She said while finishing off the fries she still had left.

Tim swallowed the food he was chewing and shook his head. "Not yet, but they are working on it. They pulled footage from the surrounding buildings of the crash, and hopefully, that'll help them." He picked up his drink to take a sip and tried to tune out the machines attached to Tamara.

Lucy nodded while thinking about a few things. "Do you think they'd let me help? When I come back?" She knew what the answer was going to be, of course, but maybe Tim was so pitiful that he'll lie and give her some hope. She looked into his eyes.

Tim knew Lucy knew what she was doing. She was hoping that if she looked sad enough, he might give her a scrap of hope. Tim also knew that Lucy knew Tim didn't work that way. He tried his best to be honest, especially with her.

"Well..." Lucy frowned. "You're probably too close to this one, Lucy." Tim let her down gently, which Lucy appreciated. She nodded.

Tim looked at his watch and grimaced. "I should get going. I've got a shift in a couple of hours, and I still have to walk Kojo." He stood up and balled up his trash, putting it into the brown paper bag he brought it in.

Lucy nodded and looked at the clock on the wall. "Do you need anything else?" Tim asked, grabbing her trash along with his and putting it in the bag. Lucy turned her eyes to look back at Tim.

The flourescent light mixed with the bright sky outside was painting a picture of Tim Lucy was fond of. He looked soft, like a teddy bear. Not his usual macho self, just here and willing. His whole attitude today made Lucy feel good and at home. Even if she was stuck in the cold, stale hospital room. Lucy smiled slightly and shrugged.

"A hug?"

She lightly chuckled. It seemed to be a common theme of theirs. Tim would ask if she needed anything, and without fail, it would be a hug. After Jackson had died and Tim had let her stay with him, it was what she needed most. Now here she was, with the same need.

Tim smiled and nodded his head. He had also caught the common occurrence and walked around the table towards Lucy. "Of course."

Lucy stood up and immediately felt the comforting warmth and smell of Tim. His chest engulfing her and his arms following suit. She breathed out, relaxed, and for the first time in three days, she felt at peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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