Ch. 11: Totally Not Suspicious

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The two kids looked at me with surprise and terror. I think they're still in shock from the giant fireball, but I think I also came off too strong with my language. I shouldn't have cursed now that I think about it. I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Come on, kid. Get on your feet." I told the twelve year-old as I reached my hand out to him, but instead of taking my hand, he just looked at me dumbfounded.

"Y-young master Julius, y-you're– what are you doing here?" He asked me with a quivering voice, but I just averted gazes. Shit, these kids know me. Well, of course, they'd know me. I've probably gone here before because of Mr. Paillart. I should've thought  about that.

"That, that's not really important. Come on– uh, Gil, I think? Come on, Gil, stand up." I told the kid as I offered my hand again, but he just looked at me stunned. I furrowed my brows at him, and he suddenly flinched.

"Ah, a-apologies, I, I'll stand up now–" Gil was finally about to stand up, but I immediately stopped him and cut him off.

"No, stay still. I didn't think that you might've broken something when you fell. I'll check your legs and arms really quick." I told him as I knelt down beside him and started checking his legs and arms. Just to be safe, I also checked his head.

"Hm, nothing seems to be broken nor did I see any open wounds but that's only from what I can tell from the surface. Preferably, you should stay still for a while. The adrenaline could still be hiding the pain." I told him. I also doubt no one saw that giant fireball earlier so at the very least, the knights are already running their way here before Mr. Paillart had even considered sending out a party to see what was going on.

"What about you?" I asked the other kid too, Lucas I think was his name, "Are you hurt?"

The other kid immediately tensed when I called out to him though. At first, I thought he was trying to hide any injury he had, but I think he was more terrified of me. Shit, I did come off too strong with my language earlier. They probably also think they're in deep trouble because of that spell.

"I'm not mad. If you can't move, I'll go over there and check you instead." I told him as I stood up.

"N-n-no! Stay away! Stay right there!" But the kid yelled for me to stay away. Haha, I made a kid hate me. I'm not good with children their age! Even my sister was 16– about the age I am right now, actually– when I took her in. That's the youngest age I've ever had around me.

"L-Lucas, you're being rude!" Gil scolded him.

"But brother! He– he's Julius! He's definitely up to no good! Why would he even help us if he didn't plan on telling on us?! He's planning on telling father and getting us in trouble!" The kid suddenly began accusing me of stuff that I would never do! What the fuck would I even gain by telling on two snot-nosed brats? And what was I supposed to do? Let Gil get second-degree burns in front of me?! My conscience won't handle it if I knew I could have saved this kid!

"Hey, kid–" I was about to scold this rude brat, but I stopped and looked back at the direction of the manor. As I expected, the knights were already heading for our direction after I sent the fireball to the sky. I expect them to reach us in a few minutes, more than enough time for me to book it back to the manor without even letting those knights know I was here. But then again, I can't just leave these two here. They know who I am, and one of them already accused me of trying to get them in trouble. If I just leave them here, Lucas would definitely snitch on me for leaving them to be discovered.

Ah, fuck it. It'll be close, but I can probably make it.

"Just so you two know, I had no plans of telling on anyone. I just saw that you two needed help so I helped. I won't tell on the two of you, but the estate's knights will be here in about two minutes and they'll definitely realize what just happened. I'll help put some distance between you and the knights, but in exchange, don't tell anyone you saw me here, got it?" I told the two of them as I placed Gil's sword back in its sheath and secured that to my waist.

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