Ch. 12: Totally Not Suspicious Pt. 2

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How the fuck has it led up to this? How did I end up in this situation?! WHOSE SCHEME WAS IT TO MAKE ME GO THROUGH HUMILIATION TIME AND TIME AGAIN IN ONE DAY?!

"Hello, Father. We apologize for interrupting your meeting with Young master Julius, but we thought we should come to you as soon as possible. We're truly reflecting on our actions." Gil spoke to Mr. Paillart with his head raised and impeccable posture, while Lucas stood beside him while looking down at the floor. Both paying absolutely no attention to me, which is good. Very good thing, BECAUSE THEIR FREAKING DAD IS MR. PAILLART!

Mr. Paillart just let out a disappointed sigh before addressing the two children, "I see you already went to have yourselves patched up. I assume there were no serious injuries?"

"N-no, Father. Just some scratches and small bruises on me." Gil stuttered at first, but his posture and tone didn't falter afterwards. Good job, Gil! Good for you, you handle pressure well! Now, just apply that to making snap decisions, and I wouldn't have to save your ass while you run at the same direction as your foe's incoming attack.

I thought that we would proceed like this until they or I was dismissed– Gil and Lucas exclusively speaking to their dad, Mr. Paillart focusing only on them, and I'm completely cut out of the situation. But lady luck seems to have something against me because Lucas suddenly looked towards my direction and crossed his brows as soon as he realized what I was sitting on. 

"W-why is Julius sitting on a wheelchair? Did-did he break his leg?" Lucas suddenly asked, and I felt all the blood in my face drain away. OF ALL THINGS TO SAY! WHY WOULD YOU ALLUDE TO YOUR DAD THAT I WAS JUST JUMPING ABOUT IN THE TREES?! WE HAD A DEAL! AND YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO LOOK AT MY DIRECTION!

I immediately avoided his gaze and I looked back at Mr. Paillart. I had to think of a way to weasel myself out of the situation Lucas had created immediately, and I brought up the only trick I had up my sleeve, "T-t-these two are your children, Mister– Lord Paillart?"

I could see the two kids looking at me in confusion in the corner of my vision. I promise I'm not overplaying for the sake of our deal! I genuinely do not remember– did not know that you were Mr. Paillart's kids! I am so sorry for all the times I snitched on you to this man before! I promise I didn't know better! I am so so sorry!

"Yes. You don't remember them due to your lost memories, but this is Gilbert and Lucas, my sons. Gilbert, Lucas, reintroduce yourselves to Julius." Mr. Paillart ordered Gil and Lucas while I slowly looked back at their direction, but all that greeted me was Gil's confused expression and Lucas' scowling face. Oh, hahaha! You really are Mr. Paillart's kid! I can definitely see it now!

"Young master Julius lost his memories...? You don't recognize us?" Gil sounded so surprised and dumbfounded as he looked at me, but I just avoided his gaze and ended up chuckling out of nervousness.

"Y-yep. Absolutely no idea who you are, haha! Didn't even know Lord Paillart had children! Someone actually fucked him! Hahaha– HA, that was incredibly inappropriate to say in front of you kids, I apologize profusely." MY DAMN FUCKING MOUTH, WHY THE FUCK DID I EVEN SAY THAT?! I'M TRYING TO NOT GET KILLED BY THIS MAN HERE AND GET SNITCHED ON BY THOSE KIDS THERE!

Thankfully, none of the father-son trio really understood what I just said, they just looked at me confused. I realized this a while ago, but they don't use the word "fuck" here, which is good for me because they didn't have to know what I meant just now. Mr. Paillart would really finally kill me!

"Ahem–" I cleared my throat and recomposed myself, then I reworded my answer properly while giving the brother duo a killer smile– "Yes, I lost my memories following my disappearance. I remember tidbits here and there from my childhood, but other than those, I don't know much." THAT WAS A GOOD FUCKING SAVE IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF!

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