Ch. 14: Biology Lesson

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It has been three weeks since I woke up as my reincarnation, the 17-year-old Julius, and...





No. NO. NO!!! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE! NOOOOOOOOO!!! Dammit! Dammit– DAMMIT! I NEED TO HIDE! I NEED TO RUN TO THE BATHROOM! I CANNOT LET ANYONE SEE ME LIKE THIS! FUCCCCKKKKK– FUCK! I SCREAMED OUT LOUD! I could hear people outside rushing towards my room! Nooooooooo! Stay away! Stay away! STAY AWAAAAYYYY!

I spun around and wrapped myself in every layer of my bed covers and jumped off my bed to head towards the doors to the bathroom. I'm well-aware that this could cause me to trip BUT I DON'T CARE! I CANNOT LET ANYONE SEE ME LIKE THIS! I WILL CRAWL TO THE BATHROOM IF I HAVE TO– AAAAAAHHH! THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE HERE! THEY BURST THROUGH THE DOORS– NOOOOOOO!

"MASTER JULIUS! WHAT'S WRONG?!" Alfred yelled out in concern as he practically kicked down the door to my room, but I didn't face him, instead, I ran back to my bed and dived beneath the pillows and sought refuge in the corner of my bed. My bed was the nearest sanctuary I had, so even if I would inevitably be cornered, I DON'T CARE! I JUST NEED TO HIDE MY HIDEOUS SELF!

"NO! GET OUT, ALFRED! DON'T YOU LOOK AT MEEEE! EVERYONE, GET OUTTT!" I yelled at Alfred and anyone else who has entered the room as I crawled deeper beneath the pillows, creating as much distance from them as I can, but there wasn't much I could do now, because I had trapped myself, FUCK!

"I DON'T WANT ANYONE LOOKING AT ME! I'M A PERVERT! I'M A DEVIANT! I'm HIDEOUS! DON'T LOOK AT MEEEE! GET OUTTTT!!!" I cried out as I began kicking pillows away, strategically sending them flying towards Alfred and the others to ward them off and keep them away from me!

"I'M TELLING YOU TO GET OUT, ALFRED!" I screamed– pleaded to him one more time!

I can handle having dangly bits for the rest of my life, I can handle erections every morning for the rest of my life– BUT THIS?! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!


"Now, wait just a moment, Master Julius," Alfred said as he walked closer to my bed, "Just what in the Goddess' name are you going on about? Calm down, Master Julius, and tell me what's wrong."

I didn't answer and made sure to turn away from him while underneath the layers of bed covers and pillows, and I heard him let out a sigh. I felt Alfred's weight as he sat on my bed and I flinched. I refused to answer his question, instead I pleaded to him one more time, "Please just leave me alone for the day, Alfred. I wanna be alone. I'm a hideous human being."

I heard Alfred sigh, "That I will not do, Master Julius. Come now, come out under your bed covers before you run out of air. Surely whatever you believe you have done is nothing to be ashamed of."

I didn't do anything however, and I continued to lay down on my side underneath my ball of bed covers, hoping they give up and eventually leave me alone.

"Master Julius, you will unwrap yourself and answer my question before I remove you there myself. Come out now." Alfred threatened in a tone that sent shivers down my spine, and with haste, I immediately began unravelling my cocoon of bed covers, and with tears in my eyes, I frantically explained what had happened.

My Little Sister Turned Out To Be A Goddess of Another WorldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя