Chapter 78

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Luo Huai Yuan didn't come back within a few months like he originally said. He remained in the Fu Province without returning these three years. His fourth prince estate had basically been forgotten. Since Emperor Xi didn't recall this son of his, people in the palace naturally wouldn't bring him up.

During this time, he had sent several letters to Yan Yan. They were all just to report that things were peaceful. Only after things truly couldn't be concealed anymore did Yan Yan find out what he had experienced these years.

Luo Huai Yuan's group went all the way to Fujian. The closer they got to the coast, the more desolate the towns.

Only at this moment did he understand the suffering of those being plundered. The pirates came ashore to cause chaos by killing, burning and looting. The commoners who were able to move had all moved already. Those who couldn't move were the elderly or those without relatives in other areas.

In their situation, when they encountered pirates they could only give them whatever they wanted. It was fine as long as they kept their lives. Of course what happened next was left to chance. Some only wanted money but there were also quite a few terrible and malicious people. The households with daughters and women all left even if they had to resort to begging on the streets.

Nine out of ten houses were abandoned within their sight!

Since they couldn't continue onwards, Luo Huai Yuan could only turn around and head to the area around the Fu Province Estate. Only then did they seem to have returned to civilization.

Luo Huai Yuan's luck wasn't good. Having just gotten to the Houren County, he was wandering the streets observing the customs of the area when he encountered a pirate attack.

To call them pirates also wasn't too accurate. This was because apart from a few who babbled in Fusang language, the majority spoke Chinese and there were a few who spoke Korean, even though they all wore Fusang-style clothing.

There weren't that many pirates in this group, only around twenty people. But they were like wolves in a pack of sheep. The street immediately grew chaotic. Screams, curses and wails sounded everywhere.
Luo Huai Yuan had grown up listening to stories of the Japs invading China in the modern world.

Although this was no longer the world he was born in, hearing that damn language and seeing those short people's getup, he couldn't help his eyes from turning red and wanting to beat people.

Along with the tragic cries for help on the street, Luo Huai Yuan grew angry.

He grabbed a jug of wine or perhaps pickled vegetables from somewhere and threw it over, saying an extremely mighty line. "Fuck, grab something and get them!"

He thought he was using common jargon and that his orders would be obeyed without question. Unexpectedly, the four guards and Lady Hui all froze. Xiao An Zi had long since been frightened to tears, pulling at his arm with all his might to try and get him to run.

He pushed Xiao An Zi away and grabbed a stick. "Run your granny's egg. How can we outrun them under these circumstances? Stop running. Grab something and fuck them up!"

The chaotic crowd saw a little fatty around ten years old holding a long stick leading the charge in beating a pirate who had fallen behind. He cursed while beating: "Fuck your grandad. Why don't you learn to do good instead? Go reincarnate as livestock."

He then cursed and spat at the crowd: "All of you grab something and get them. They only have these few people, and not all of them have blades. We can drown them in saliva if everyone spits on them."

Actually these people were all instinctively frightened. They had heard how fierce these pirates were and that they killed people like flies. Seeing them appear, they didn't have time to react before trying to run. They ran around wildly, trampling and shoving others.

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