Chapter 122

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The bridal return of consorts had certain regulations. Everything was handled by the internal affairs department.

Therefore, when the day arrived, Yan Yan just needed to dress up nicely and sit in the palace carriage to return to the Weiyuan Marquis Estate.

There were beating gongs that cleared the way. When they arrived at the doors, there was a group of people standing there. Shen Yi Yao and Xue-shi were in front. The Jinwu Guards had already cleared the streets in advance, and there were no idlers around.

Luo Huai Yuan got out first. He wore a standard prince's outfit and looked quite a bit more dignified. He turned around and helped Yan Yan out. She wore a consort's outfit and looked incomparably beautiful.
Shen Yi Yao hurried forward. Before she spoke, her eyes were already red.

"Alright, alright. It's good the miss is back. Let's wait until we go inside before talking." Xue-shi interrupted.

The group of people entered the gates and went inside.

In theory, they should have gone to pay respects to the old madam at the Rongan Hall. Unfortunately, no one mentioned this matter and they went directly to the Jinse Pavilion.

Yan Ting wasn't present today and Shen Yi Yao hadn't insisted on him coming. Yan Yan didn't care whether he was present or not anyway.

Once they sat down in the Jinse Pavilion, Yan Yan and Luo Huai Yuan paid respects to Shen Yi Yao.

Shen YI Yao excitedly said "good" repeatedly. They were all womenfolk so it wasn't suitable for Luo Huai Yuan to remain. He was thus led elsewhere by Yan Mo. The few women sat together and chatted for a bit before Xue-shi took Yan Ling and left. They were tactfully allowing mother and daughter some space to speak privately.

They got the space, but didn't know what to say right away.

"Mom, is everything ok in the estate? No one's making trouble, right?"

The silence was broken by Yan Yan.

"No, it's been very quiet these past couple of days. What about you? Are you and Yuan'er well? You should be. Although that child Yuan'er is a little fat, he's a good child."

Yan Yan paused, "He treats daughter pretty well."

Shen Yi Yao nodded as various emotions welled up.

Actually, Yan Yan wasn't used to such a gentle and tender scene. Perhaps it was due to what happened in the past or perhaps it was due to her personality. Her relationship with Shen Yi Yao seemed to be lacking something. Despite clearly having countless things to say, they weren't able to bring it up.

"It's good that you're well. Women all have to get married someday and assume the role of a wife. To have a considerate husband is something that money cannot buy. Your temper is too direct. Although Yuan'er, that child, has a good nature, you should also yield to him occasionally. It's good that he knows to yield to you, but a relationship cannot be so one-sided in yielding all the time...."

Once Shen Yi Yao started speaking, she chattered on and told her daughter some of the things she had learned in life.

Her daughter was her own flesh and blood. Despite having married out, she couldn't bear letting her go. As a mother, she inevitably worried about her children. Although her fussing may seem very annoying, it was actually just her being concerned.

Children would have to leave one day as they matured, and look upon the world with their own tender eyes. She couldn't and also wasn't able to confine her. She could only be fussy to try and stuff everything she knew to her, for the sake of allowing her to take one less wrong turn or stumble one time less.

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