Chapter 113

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This was Xue-shi's first time ridiculing Yan Zhi like this. He was already extremely angry, and after being stimulated he became even more furious.

He went to Concubine Wang's room and let loose.
Concubine Wang was timid to begin with. She was paralyzed on the floor in fear and couldn't speak.

Yan Zhi had intended on ruthlessly punishing Concubine Wang. However, for the sake of Yan Ling whose marriage was settled, he merely gave the orders for her to be confined. Before Yan Ling got married, Concubine Wang wasn't allowed to go out.

She was also forbidden to see the Wang family anymore. Furthermore, people were sent to warn the Wang family that if they spoke any more nonsense, their legs would be broken and they would be sold off!

When Yan Ling found out about this, things were already boiling over.

Yan Ling's face was white as paper and she had no idea what to say. She had finally turned things around with a lot of effort, and now this ended up happening. She didn't know if she should laugh or cry.

When she went to Concubine Wang's room, Concubine Wang was crying in front of the bed. Seeing Yan Ling come in, she started crying even harder.

Yan Ling looked at her wearily and wished she could also have a good cry.

"Do you not want me to be happy? Can't you settle down for a bit? If you wanted to hop around, you should have done so early on. Why are you doing so now?"

"Do you feel that because the miss you raised is about to be well off, and is about to marry, you can feel superior to others and show off your might? How have you lived so long without understanding things? Are you really unable to see things clearly or what?" Yan Ling's voice grew louder as she spoke.

She was even hysterical. "The reason we can sit here safely, and the reason you can be smug about my marriage to the Qingan Count Estate, is not because how good I am. It's because the principal wife's heart isn't rotten, get it!?"

"I saw that Xue-shi didn't seem to be planning anything for you at all, which is why...."

"Why should she plan anything for me?" Yan Ling wiped her tears and said coldly.

"She's your principal mother."

"Oh, she's my principal mother? You're my biological mother, and I've called you mom for over a decade. What have you planned for me?"
Concubine Wang's face abruptly paled. She stammered but wasn't able to say anything.

"I'm asking you a question! As my biological mother, what plans did you make for your biological daughter?"

Yan Ling laughed coldly, "All these years, didn't you give all your money to the Wang family? Have you even thought to plan ahead for this daughter of yours? Even a single needle or thread? Of course not. You don't have surplus money, and even used my money for that family!"

Concubine Wang gasped and started crying mournfully. "How could I not have wanted to plan ahead for you? But your concubine mom's status is lowly and cannot compare to the madam. What can I do? I couldn't just let my family starve. If I had as much money as the madam, it wouldn't be like this....the madam has so much money, it isn't a big deal to give us a little more. She's your principal mother. She's supposed to provide this dowry in the first place...."

"That's right, everything you said is correct! Everything you said is reasonable! However....." Yan Ling's face was filled with sorrow, her voice suddenly growing shrill, "Do you think everyone under the heavens owes you? No one owes you anything! The reason she isn't good to you is because you did something you shouldn't have done. She isn't good to me because of the filthy thing you did, making me an eyesore! No one forced you to climb into dad's bed. Since you did so, you should take responsibility for the consequences."

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