Chapter 19: disappear

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I walked into my new government class with Taylor who was catching up on the stuff we were learning. She said that it was a pretty chill class, even though the entire year was almost completed. But this was just a trial run for me to see if I'd like it, if I do then next year I can look for more classes that would fit my goal.

She leads me to her seat and I sit down next to her, she smelt like flowers or something. I really liked it. I liked everything about her.

"You can come to my study group too if you want." She suggests as she pulls her notebook out.

"Sure." I say as I rest my crutch next to me.

She smiles and my heart does a flip.

I love her.

Class goes on but it was hard for me to focus when she was sitting next to me, I don't know how Garrett can stay so calm when he's with her.

I took a few glances at her as she took notes, she looked so peaceful and focused. It was a good look on her. That was the beauty of Taylor Perez.

"Taylor." I whisper.

She looks at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Could you maybe tutor me or something?" I ask.

"Of course." She smiles.

I smile and nod and turn back to the professor as he continues to talk.

I could be with her for my whole life.
After class me and Taylor go grab a cup of coffee before we make our way to her car so she could drop me off at home before she has to go to her next class.

"So, do you want to be a lawyer?" She asks as she drives.

"Not sure yet, hockeys always been my dream. But if that fails I guess being a lawyer wouldn't be that bad." I explain.

"I think you could be a pretty good lawyer." She says.

"Thanks." I say.

We pull up in the driveway and I turn to her, "So, when are you free to tutor?" I ask.

"Uh, I can come over sometime this weekend, if I don't have work." She says.

"Okay, cool. Text me." I say.

She nods before I get out and make my way inside. I smile as I walk through the front door, my heart racing.

"What are you all smiling about?" Chris asks as he walks down the stairs, in nothing but his underwear.

"Dude, you need to get some clothes. It's getting weird." I tell him.

He looks down at his half naked body and shrugs.

"I like to be free. I need air circulation throughout my body. Clothes block my air." He explains.

I roll my eyes at him before he walks away. I jump on one foot and make my way upstairs. I get to Jules' room and knock on the door before it opens to reveal her in an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

"Hey." She smiles.

"Where's Norah?" I ask.

"She went out with Lily." She says.

"Okay, good." I say before I walk in and close the door behind me.

She laughs as I pull her to me and kiss her. I lead her to the bed and throw my crutch on the ground.

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