Chapter 28: happy

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I scroll through my laptop at community colleges around New Jersey and feel the overwhelming feeling of my future. I didn't know what the hell I was gonna do. I felt so stuck, like everyone else around me was moving forward but I was in the same old place.

There's a knock on my bedroom door before it opens to reveal Norah.

"Hey." She says as she walks in and sits on the bed.

"Hi." I say.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Trying to find some community college I can get into." I tell her.

"Oh." She says.

"Have you talked to your parents?" She asks.

"They called me and texted me, they're pissed about me getting expelled. But I don't know what they want from me? I'm trying to figure it out, I don't need their help." I say.

"Maybe you do, Jules." She says.

I scoff, "If I ask for help from them, they'll pull me back under them, and I'll do anything but get sucked into that life again." I tell her.

"They're trying to look out for you." She says.

I look at her, "This is what they want, Norah. They want me under their control so they can have that perfect daughter they've always dreamed about. But I'm not and I'll never be." I tell her.

She sighs, "I mean my parents got me into a really community college back home." She says.

"Your parents aren't like mine. If I go back, they'll put me in some boarding school and have me work at my dad's office after I get out." I explain.

"I'm sorry." She replies.

I shrug.

"We aren't all lucky." I say.

She gives me a sad smile.

"You'll figure it out. You always do." She reassures me.

"I hope so." I say.

She sighs.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." I say.

"Do you want me to come with you?" She asks.

"I just need time to think." I tell her.

She nods before I get up and make my way downstairs. I did need a walk but I really just wanted to go and see Brennen. I grabbed Norah's car keys and made my way outside. I got in my car and drove to campus. He was in class right now so I thought I'd grab him a cup of coffee and wait for him.

I sat on the stairs outside his lecture hall with a cup of coffee and waited patiently. It was nice to have him as a boyfriend again, I almost forgot how fun it was when we were kids, there was never a dull moment with him.

The doors of the building open and kids begin walking out. I stand up and look for him and spot him walking out, he sees me and smiles.

"Hi." He says as he walks up to me.

"Hey, I got you coffee." I say as I hand him the cup.

"Thanks." He says.

I smile at him before he looks behind him, checking to see if anyone we knew was around. He takes my hands and pulls to the side of the building, "What are you doing?" I ask.

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