Chapter 30: the egg

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Me and Brennen walk through the mall, giggling like little kids. He kept making random comments on people's shoes.

"Bowling shoes." He says as he walks past a guy who is literally wearing shoes that look like bowling shoes.

I laugh.

"I think they look sick." I say as I look back at the guy.

"Liar." He says as he throws his arm over my shoulder.

I smile as I wrap my arms around his torso.

We pass by a glass case of jewelry and my eyes fall on a necklace. I walked over to the case and looked at it, it was beautiful. It was a silver necklace with a red stone on it.

"You like that?" He asks.

"It's pretty." I say as I stare at it.

"It would look good on you." He says.

"Thanks." I smile at him.

"Come on, let's go get you some bowling shoes." He says.

I laugh before he takes my hand into his and we continue to walk around the mall. We stop and pick up some food before heading back to the house.

"Alright, I'll go in first and see if Norah's waiting around and then I'll text you." I tell him.

"Deal." He says before kissing me.

I smile before getting out of the car and walking in through the front door. Everyone was sitting in the living room watching a movie, but I didn't see Norah anywhere. Phew.

I walk in and greet them as I fall down onto the bean bag.

Taylor wasn't here either, it made me frown. That was weird, she's always here when Lily is.

"Where's Taylor?" I ask Garrett.

"She said that she was busy." He says.

I nod, he seemed normal. So I don't think they're fighting or anything.

"Has anyone seen Norah?" I ask.

"She's upstairs." Chris says.

I nod before grabbing my phone and texting Brennen. I put my phone down and watch the TV just as the front door opens again and I see Brennen walk in. I smile as he walks in with a big bag of food.

"I got everyone food." He says.

"Yay!!" Chris cheers.

Brennen brings the bag full of chinese food and we all gather around the coffee table as we pull it all out.

"Yes, food, finally." I hear Norah's voice from behind me.

I turn around and see her walk in the room, I smile at her and she smiles back as she sits next to me.

We all get our food and start eating while we watch TV. Brennen sat next to Garrett on the other side of the room from me and we both kept glancing at each other while we ate.


I giggle as me and Brennen watch funny videos of little kids doing stupid shit.

"Dude, ate shit." He chuckles.

I laugh.

I rest my head on his shoulder and breathe in his scent. I loved being around this guy, he just made me feel so excited. I felt so safe and loved when I was with him, no words could describe the love I have for him. I care about him so much, it scares me a little. I didn't want anything to ruin us or what we had. Not again, not like last time.

I lay in the bed next to this strange man. I was kidnapped. I was kidnapped and raped. I stared at my hands that were handcuffed to the head of the bed. I needed to escape. Somehow. He snores while he sleeps. I fight back tears as I lay there. For once, I wanted to just go home. To my parents, to Norah, to Brennen. I can't even imagine what he was feeling right now.

I look around the room. Escape, Julianna. Escape.

I look back at my cuffed hands, I pull at them, I keep pulling until I feel my left hand start to loosen. It was scraping against my skin but that didn't matter, I needed to get the hell out of here. It's been a week, I think. I pull harder and my hand finally slips out. I sigh in relief, I look over at the man and see him still fast asleep.

I take the handcuff off the frame before I slowly sit up, I reach down towards my feet which were tied to the foot of the board. I reach down and slowly untie them. My body was free. I look at him again before I slowly step off the bed. I grab my pants and slip them on before I inch towards the bedroom door. I walk out into the hallway, and look around. I made my way towards the front door, it was boarded up. Fuck my life. I walk towards the living room and make my way towards the window.

I suck in my breath before I slowly unlock it, I look back towards the bedroom and don't hear anything. I look back out the window.

Get out.

I open the window before I throw myself out of it.

Run, Julianna. Fucking run.

I sprint. I sprint so fast. I've never ran so fast in my entire life. I don't look behind me, I just run, I didn't know where I was. But I run.

"I'm not going!" Garrett yells from outside.

Me and Brennen look at his bedroom door and frown.

"He's inviting people from my class! I have to go!" I hear Taylor yell.

"So what? He's fucking stupid." Garrett snaps.

Brennen gets up and I follow behind him, we both walk out and see Garrett's bedroom door open. We walk closer and peek inside.

"It's not a big deal. You're making it one." Taylor says.

They were both standing by his bed, arguing.

"I don't trust the guy, Tay-Tay. He's weird." Garrett says.

"You don't even know him, Garrett. That's why I'm asking you to come with me, you won't have to worry about anything." She explains.

He sighs and stares at his girlfriend.

"Fine, but I won't be nice to him." He says.

"As long as it's not physical, I'm fine." She says.

He rolls his eyes, playfully before pulling her to him and hugging her.

"Stop spying." Garrett says as he looks over Taylor's shoulder.

"We were worried." Brennen says as we walk in.

They both turn to us and smile.

"Where are we going?" Brennen smirks.

"Jason's party." Taylor smiles.

"Jason, as in the government study group guy?" He asks.

She nods.

"Jason the egg." Garrett says.

I laugh.

"So everyone is coming." Brennen says.

Garrett smirks.

"Everyone in this house is coming." He says.

Taylor gives him a pointed look.

"What? Chris would love to come, you like Chris." He says.

"Fine, whatever." She says.

Brennen and Garrett give each other high five and I smile.

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