Chapter 25: screamed.

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I lost two of my closest friends. Taylor and Garrett.

Neither one of them would talk to me, and it hurt, it hurt more than anything in the world. Garrett didn't show that he was angry at me or anything, he just acted like I didn't exist. And Taylor did the same.

I didn't know how to make it up to them, and it was killing me.

I walk into the kitchen and see Garrett sitting at the counter with a bowl of fruit loops in front of him.

I walked over to the pantry and opened it, I grabbed a bag of chips and sat down on the other end of the counter. We both sat in silence as we ate our food.

"Garrett, I'm sorry, man. I wasn't thinking when it happened." I explain to him.

He doesn't say a word, he doesn't even look at me.

"I don't know what I can do to make it up to you. I know, it was a dick move, kissing your friends' girlfriend is fucked up. But it was a mistake, I should've never done that and I won't ever do it again." I tell him.

He still doesn't say a word to me, I sigh as I sit in the silent room.

"When I first met Taylor you were there, you saw me flirting with her and you didn't say a word. If you told me right then, that you had feelings for her, I would've backed off." He explains.

I stare at him.

"But you made a bet with me, you set me up with her, Brennen. And then it somehow became my fault that you didn't get with her?" He says.

I look at him, we never talked about the bet after Taylor found out, we both just moved on from it because Taylor forgave us and I told him that I didn't have feelings for her.

"I did it because I thought it'd make you sick of her, I knew you didn't do relationships so I thought if I forced you into one then you'd completely forget about her." He explains.

"But I didn't. And you knew that once I started seeing her, but you still didn't say anything" He says, "Why?" He asks.

I shrug, "I saw her with you and knew that I didn't have a chance. I knew me and Taylor wouldn't make sense. I didn't excite her the way you did." I tell him.

He gives me a sad look.

"You know who you excite? Jules." He says.

I stare at him, I didn't expect him to say that.

"She really likes you, man. I know Taylor is perfect but she's not perfect for you, Jules is" He tells me, "And I'm not just saying this so you back off my girl, I'm saying this because I want you to find something like what me Tay-Tay have." He reassures me.

I smile at him, "Thank you." I say.

He smiles back and nods.

"Now, stop being a fool and talk to her. I know damn well that you're still in love with her." He says.

I chuckle, "Yeah, I know. I think I was using Taylor as a distraction from my feelings for Jules." I say.

"Good, because Tay-Tay is my bet." He jokes.

I laugh.

"Love ya, man." he says.

"Love you too." I reply before I get up and grab my car keys before I make my way outside.

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