05, a funeral for the fallen.

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( goodbye, goodbye, goodbye )

mighty city,
through the ages, you shine anew.

She stirred around as Panem's national anthem started playing throughout the house, attempting to cover her eyes and ears with her blankets. Half-conscious she'd wonder why the anthem was playing ever so loudly anyway.

gem of panem,
seat of power,
strength in peacetime, shield in strife

As her eyes started to flutter open, she could hear the sounds of water droplets falling from the shower? Who the hell was using my shower?, she thought. She sat upright, rubbing her eyes before getting a proper glance of the room. Her eyes enlarged in shock, grabbing the small alarm clock on the bedside table. 9am, it read, and her mind was screaming 'fuck!' in every way possible. She immediately got out of the bed, grabbing her coat and her bookbag when shower door swung open.

There, in all his glory, stood Coriolanus Snow, only wearing a pair of black dress pants. She felt her body physically stop as she stared at him innocently walking toward his cabinet, taking a black collared shirt, buttoning all the buttons except the top few and tucking in his shirt. He turned around, Charlotte still undeniably staring at him. He smirked before breaking the silence between the two.

"Do you like what you're seeing?" he said in a cocky tone, she rolled her eyes and continued grabbing her stuff from the floor.

"Please," she scoffed, "I've seen way better."

He raised a suggestive eyebrow and she winked as she left the room, only to find Tigris and the Grandma'am sitting at the dining table. She smiled politely, trying to escape the Snow's penthouse, when Tigris stopped her.

"Oh, Charlotte," Tigris called out, causing Charlotte to stop in her tracks, "Your mother dropped off your clothes for the funeral earlier, she figured it'd be easier for you to get ready here instead of having to rush back home."

"Oh. . ." she paused awkwardly, internally damn-ing her mother for her motherly instincts.

"You can use my room, if you'd like," Tigris offered, and she happily accepted. Tigris led her toward her room across the hall, and pointed out the dress bag that was laid carefully on her bed. She smiled thanks as Tigris left the room, unzipping the zipper of the bag. Inside contained a gorgeous black dress which had sheer sleeves with purple and gold flowers. Her mother was also kind enough to include a layered pearl necklace along with classy black heels. She showered quickly before putting on her outfit, placing yesterday's outfit inside the bag.

She exited the room and made her way back to the dining room, seeing the two cousins get roses pinned on their shirts by the grandma'am. She smiled to herself, before emerging from the hallway. The sounds of her heels on the wooden floors brought their attention toward her, Tigris complimenting her dress, and the grandma'am scurrying over with a rose pin and pinning it carefully on her dress. She thanked the grandma'am as she looked up and ahead, to see Coriolanus looking at her, his mouth slightly agape. Once the grandma'am was finished, she approached him and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off her.

"You like it?" she smirked, twirling in a circle in front of him.

"I've seen better," he mocked, but he couldn't lie. She looked absolutely majestic in it. It was as if it was perfectly tailored for her by the little birds from Cinderella, to how the dress hugged her figure and the gold aspects on the dress brought out her blonde hair. He put his arm out for her to hold and she accepted, linking their elbows as he led her toward the door.

DRESS, coriolanus snowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें