01, are you ready for it?

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( baby, let the games begin! )

THE NEXT MORNING, Charlotte's sleep was disturbed by a painfully loud shrieking noise from beside her. She jolted awake, looking at her alarm clock that was buzzing violently, checking the time. 


Shit, she thought. The mentors were supposed to gather in the hall by nine. She turned beside her, and she saw her mother who was still sleeping peacefully. She smiled to herself, kissing her mother on her head before hurrying to get ready.

It was days like this she was happy they had uniforms to wear, and that she didn't need to spend time choosing an outfit to wear, because that would've taken here absolutely ages. She quickly showered herself and did her skincare. She realized how puffy her face was — especially around her eye area. She tried to depuff it, but to no avail did it work. 

Fifteen minutes later, Charlotte was ready (an overstatement) and sprinting out the house. Her laces were untied and her hair in knots, since she was really on a time crunch. She ran past the lobby in a mess, quickly sliding into the back of the car and instructing her driver to drive quickly.

The Academy grounds were buzzing with a sense of conundrum and excitement as she rushed her way past her schoolmates. Finally, with about five minutes until the Games started, she had arrived at the viewing hall. A relieved Julianna came to greet her, rambling on about how worried she had been.

"Goodness, where did you go? None of us saw you after the dance! I was so worried, Lottie," Julianna examined her state. She had managed to tame her hair by putting it in a braid, and the puffiness from her eyes had gone down. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry 'bout last night, I got sick — some stomach bug or something," she shrugged non-chantly.

"Aw, poor you," Julianna pouted, bringing her friend in for a bone-crushing hug. Charlotte took a whiff of the comforting smell of her friend's perfume — a scent she'd grown to love over the years. It reminded her of the better days — just talking and laughing without a care in the world. Julianna didn't know how much that hug meant to Charlotte.

"Ouch, okay. Can't breath right now. Need oxygen. Please," Charlotte gasped, Julianna still not letting go.

"Nope. Oxygen's overrated." 

"Okay, students. Let's get this started. Mentors, please take your seats according to your tribute's district. So, one will start from here, and it just goes on. Chop, chop!" Professor Satyria announced from the microphone up top. Julianna finally leeched herself off Charlotte as the two went their separate ways. 

Charlotte was happy to get a seat upfront, next to Juno Phipps. She greeted him with a smile and he did too. She wasn't exactly close to Juno, only talking to him when she really needed to, but it wasn't as if she had anything against him. Charlotte made herself comfortable in her seat that came with a a communicuff on the small table. It was a small device that featured a small screen, compactible and portable. 

Excitedly, she explored the features found within the device. She was impressed by how up to date the technology was. Inside, you could see the donations and lists of items that could be sent to the tributes in the arena, and a mini viewing screen of the games. Charlotte paid no attention to her surroundings as she continued to examine the communicuff. From behind her, she could feel someone staring into her soul.

Charlotte turned around, only to be faced with the piercing eyes of Coriolanus Snow. He was sitting, leaned back into his chair, his eyes burning into the back of her head. His gaze soften when he met hers, and he looked like he was about to get out of his seat when she adverted her attention back to the screen in front of her. She didn't want Coriolanus getting any ideas — it was the last thing she needed.

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