11, practice, practice, practice!

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( practice makes perfect )

CHARLOTTE AWAITED PATIENTLY for the arrival of her tribute.

That morning, the mentors and tributes would have a meeting and practice for the upcoming talent show that would allow the Capitol citizens to make donations in the Hunger Games. Using these donations, mentors could supply food and water to their tributes, increasing their chances of survival.

The mentors were told to be prompt, and gather at their homeroom at eight in the morning. From there, they were directed to the classrooms on the highest floors, to ensure minimum disturbance of the other Academy students. Each mentor and tribute had their own classrooms, with two Peacekeepers each on guard. She used to think they weren't necessary, but recent events have proved otherwise. To the Capitol, at least.

Suddenly, she heard the aggressive rumble of the doorknob, as if someone was trying to pry it open from the outside. She stood up, just in time for the Peacekeeper to swing the door wide open behind him. Sandwiched between two guards was Wovey, who unclasped the cuffs on her arms once she was settled in the classroom. They left abruptly after, leaving the two girls alone.

They greeted each other, and Charlotte showed her to a chair she could sit in comfortably. As per usual, Charlotte had stolen a few pastries from the breakfast spread back home and packed in into a paper bag to give to Wovey. It had been awhile since she last saw Wovey, so she decided to pack extras.

"Thank you," Wovey smiled. "Now I have enough for everybody."

"Everybody?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Usually I'd give some to the other tributes, who don't get nearly as much love as Lucy Gray and I do," Wovey pointed out. "Like Reaper, Bobbin, Treech. . .you know."

"Oh," she nodded. "That's great. I hope they like them."

"They do, we all do," Wovey reassured her. Charlotte smiled at her compliment.

With that, the two continued to discuss about their strategy for the upcoming talent show. Since Wovey wasn't too good at singing or dancing, instead of forcing her to up there and just embarrass herself, she decided to win the Capitol's heart another way.

"Well, I was thinking and I think you could possibly tell them about your life in 8? You know, about your family, your hobbies, etcetera," she suggested, Wovey gave her a questionable look.

"How would that work?" she pressed.

"I mean — the Capitol citizens aren't monsters, you know. They'll feel an overloading amount of sympathy, which can get you lots of donates." she explained, it seemed Wovey had gotten the hang of it as she nodded along.

"Just talk like you're talking to me. I'll be there with you, don't worry."

"Every step of the way?" Wovey held out her pinky finger and Charlotte interlocked hers with hers.

"Every step of the way," she promised.

Charlotte continued to describe how the day would go. The show was from the late afternoon to early evening, ensuring a proper rest for the students for the 'ball' that would be held the next day. Looking at Wovey's ragged and obviously torn clothing, she offered Wovey a dress of hers when she was about her age, and Wovey happily accepted.

The two continued to talk like old friends until the Peacekeepers, once again opened the door aggressively and took Wovey away. Charlotte waved her goodbye and Wovey responded with a sad smile, her hands cuffed to her back as the two Peacekeepers led her out, leaving the eighteen year old back to her own thoughts.

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