03, the room where it happened.

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❝ click, boom, then it happened. ❞


She could feel his breath fanning over head, one arm snaked around her waist, closing the gap between them. 

Her eyes fluttered open, the rays of sunlight that illuminated the room hitting her immediately. She snuggled closer into his embrace, adjusting her head so she could get a good look at him. His eyes were shut closed, and his chest fell up and down with every breath he took. He looked calm, like all the problems in his world was gone. Her hand went up slowly, careful not to wake him as she caressed the top of his head, where his beautiful trademark of blonde, curly locks of hair had been shaved off.

"Char?" he murmured sleepily, his head moving slightly under her touch. His groggy voice sent chills down her spine and goosebumps up her arm. She felt her face get hot at the mention of her name. 

"Shh, go back to sleep," she whispered. 

"Mm. What time is it?" he asked, his eyes still closed. Charlotte flipped over to the edge of the bed, taking ahold of the alarm clock on her bedside table. 

"Half past ten." she replied.

"And you say I need to go back to sleep," he chuckled lowly. He finally opened his eyes, squinting at the light. 

Charlotte rested her chin on her arms, wanting to capture and engrave this moment in her mind so badly. Everything just seemed so perfect. Like all the puzzles pieces had finally found it's place in the big picture. 

Coriolanus turned his head to look at her. He wondered if she knew how gorgeous she really was. Even with no makeup on, her hair still a mess and her eyes puffy she still looked like a goddess, never mind when she gets dressed up. 

"What?" she smiled, her cheeks raising up like bunnies. Oh my god, he thought. 

"Nothing. Let's make breakfast?" he asked, acting nonchalant when he was really screaming on the inside. He got out of the bed and extended his arm for her to take which she gladly accepted. 

Charlotte led him to the kitchen, grinning happily. Her smile was so contagious he too, couldn't help but smile at the sight of it. Charlotte Vanderbilt was truly like no one he'd ever seen before.

She sat him down at the kitchen island as she prepped the ingredients to be cooked. She started on the recipe and Coriolanus couldn't help but admire her in awe. Then he thought, if he looked at her this way, did other people do too? What about that guy from the Hob last night, did he find her as pretty as Coriolanus did? Did he notice all the little things about her like he did? 

Coriolanus suddenly felt uneasy, shifting in his seat. The thought of other people looking at her the way he did didn't settle right in his stomach. It doesn't matter, he told himself. She chose you, he reminded himself. 

He got up from his seat and made his way to the opposite end of the table, where she was standing so focused on her little notebook and getting the measurements right. He wrapped his muscular arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder as he took a small peak at her notebook. On the top of the page, 'Pancakes' was written and underlined.

"Aw, are you making me pancakes?" he inquired normally, but she whipped her head around so quickly and glared at him.

"You weren't supposed to see that," she scolded. His mouth let out a little 'oh'. 

He coughed lightly. "Char, my love, what are you making for breakfast?"

She felt her face get hot at the nickname. My love. She wanted to scream, jump, run around and die all at once. 

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