wake me up

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"maybe if you didn't stay up so late you wouldn't be tired."

I went to bed at 10:23 last night
I went to bed at 7 two nights ago
I fell asleep on the couch as soon as I got home

why am I so tired?

sometimes I stay up late,
I don't wanna fall asleep sometimes
Just because I don't wanna wake up the next morning.

I love sleeping
It's a thing I do to get away
but I can't really get away if I wake up 8 hours later.

"Wake me up early"
i only wake up early if I need to shower,
I do my makeup at school
I get dressed
Brush my teeth
and I fall right back asleep waiting to walk to my bus.

Im tired,
I don't think I can make it much longer
If im being honest,
Christmas is in 3 days
I would love to see my family

but maybe for one last time?

I don't wanna be selfish
and leave my older sister
She loves me
And I know my mom loves me too

But why would I wanna be awake
when there's nobody to listen to you?

the next time I collapse,
please don't wake me up.

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