when did it happen?

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was it when my mom stopped tucking me in,
singing that one lullaby humming it as I soothed.

when I stopped seeing my dad for months,
because of what happened to me in that camper?

was it when I stopped holding my mother's hand,
walking into stores or across the street.

when my brother moved out,
and I started keeping secrets.

was it when I saw my sister's face,
after she found out I was smoking and drinking.

was it when I started smoking,
to forget and distract myself?

was it when I started cutting my wrists?

was it when I tried killing myself?

was it when I was at my lowest,
because I thought I wasn't good enough?

was it when my heart got broke for the first time?

was it when I stopped playing with my toys?

when my siblings stopped playing with me?

when my mother stopped coming down in my room, just to stay I love you?

was it when my own sister called me an attention whore?

was it when I first cried about someone I loved?

When it was the last time I ever played outside with my cousin?

did I ever realize?
did I ever notice?
when did I grow up?

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