your not really gone, but are you still here?

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when your voice is in the back of my head
i look around
but you aren't there.


I loved someone so much but they kept leaving and then coming back and they did this so much that I don't think I can ever feel that same way with anyone ever again just because one person hurts you it changes you and when the next hurts you it will hurt you again and then change you again people will change you to their liking just to find out you're not good enough to change.

I think you need to learn that everything is temporary your love for someone your life your happiness your sadness your anger your emotions your friends your family this whole life time in this whole world it's all temporary. So you need to just cherish every happy moment even if it was someone you hated now you still loved them. And sometimes it feels like you still love them even though they hurt you and that's okay. When people change you there's a part of you that leaves. But it will come back just like the person who hurt you who will leave again and come back you can always find the right person who will stick it doesn't matter who they are but as long as you're loved even if it's by yourself you will be happy and you won't have to change for them you won't have to change for you.

Change yourself not for anyone not for the people you love who hate your friends your family you need to be happy to the person you're becoming no others want you to be.

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