Episode 41: End

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It had been a week since Yeon-woo received the acceptance notice from the university.

He had received word that the casting for “Master Plan” would be completed soon. However, at the moment, he didn’t have any schedules, so he had come down to his parents’ house in Daejeon and was spending his time at home, watching TV like a lazy bum.

Yeon-woo had finished his morning exercise and sat on the empty sofa in the living room, flipping through TV channels. As he did so, a familiar face appeared, causing him to pause the channel.

It wasn’t a fellow actor or a TV staff member.

“Why is this person…?”

The person who was being interviewed on a variety show was a National Intelligence Service (NIS) employee who had joined the same year as Yeon-woo’s past life, Jeon Su-hwan.

[Today, we have a special episode called “Hidden Stars,” where we’ve invited several guests. Please introduce yourself briefly.]

[Yes, hello. I’m Han Ji-hyun, currently working as a public relations officer at the National Intelligence Service.]

Yeon-woo finally nodded as he watched. It seemed that the National Intelligence Service was working on its public image to overcome the negative reputation it had garnered through modern history.

From what Yeon-woo remembered, she had worked in a department related to cyber security and had been transferred to the public relations department.

Of course, the name she mentioned was not her real name.

The person introduced as “Han Ji-hyun” was actually Kang Ju-mi.

“She’s aged quite a bit. Well, I looked older because I was constantly in the field.”

Yeon-woo commented to himself.

She was a colleague from his time who he hadn’t seen in over a decade. Yeon-woo continued watching without changing the channel.

After a lengthy interview, the assistant MC asked a question.

[So, in real life, do agents sometimes engage in combat and return?]

The guest responded to the question.

[It’s not common, but there are cases where agents make the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Recently, there have been more tragic incidents with nameless stars.]

[I see. When you mentioned “nameless stars”, what do you mean?]

[At the National Intelligence Service headquarters, when an undercover agent dies during an operation, they engrave a nameless star to honor their sacrifice.]

The guest’s words were accompanied by an image of a nameless star on the screen, the very star Yeon-woo hadn’t intentionally sought out in his past life.

Captivated by the strange and peculiar feeling, Yeon-woo gazed at the star on the screen. However, at that moment, he noticed something unusual.

“…Why are there two stars now?” Yeon-woo stroked his chin as he deep in thought.

When he had been dispatched for the first time, Ryu Yeon-woo from his past life, who had experienced modern history, suspected that he had been assassinated.

If the terrorist organization had discovered that Agent Ryu had hidden away and was still alive, they wouldn’t have used an assassination method like a sniper, he would have become a very valuable hostage.

He had initially thought that he wouldn’t seek the truth about his past life when he woke up in the hospital with a new body. There was no immediate solution, and death itself was unclear, so he put it out of his mind.

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