Episode 64: Martial Arts

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Yeon-woo didn’t increase the speed just to boast about his horse-riding skills.

As he circled the set on horseback, observing the amount of dust rising behind him, he thought that to create a cool scene, he needed to excite the horse as much as possible, kicking its hind legs vigorously to raise plenty of sand.

Eventually, Yeon-woo intentionally designed the scene to make the horse run as fast as possible according to plan.

Returning to where the staff were, he fed the exhausted horse water and sugar cubes, then handed over the reins to the caretaker.

“You did well.”

He patted the horse’s forehead before heading towards the director.


“Ah, Yeon-woo. The scene turned out amazingly fast. Come and see this.”

With a smirk, Yeon-woo stood in front of the field monitor.

“Did a lot of sand fly? I tried to make as much as possible.”

“It was like a storm. Look.”

As the director manipulated the controller, the recently shot racing scene appeared. It was even more impressive than what Yeon-woo had envisioned.

The footage approached Yeon-woo as he ran in one take, then backed away, showing the landscape.

“Wow, it came out really well.”

“If we leave this scene to the CG team for editing, it will be mind-blowing.”

At that moment, Minsoo approached from behind.

“Um, Director, sorry to interrupt, but is today’s shooting over? It’s very hot today…”

Looking at Yeon-woo, who was sweating profusely.

“Oh my, look at you sweating. Hurry and change.”

“Haha. Okay, got it.”

Yeon-woo smiled and went into the trailer to change clothes.

As he took off his hanbok in the air-conditioned trailer, steam rose from his body.


“Are you okay, Yeon-woo?”

Minsoo entered the trailer with water.

“Oh, thank you, Minsoo hyung.”

Taking the water offered by Minsoo, he quenched his thirst.

Even though Yeon-woo had good stamina, riding a horse at nearly full speed under the scorching sun, with no ventilation in his hanbok and his head wrapped in a gat, exhausted him.

After resting on a makeshift bed inside the trailer for a while, Yeon-woo greeted the filming team and got into Minsoo’s car to head to his lodging.

Checking his smartphone in the car on the way to the lodging, he saw a message from Han Hae-woon through the app.

‘Just arrived.’

Thinking about how well Han Hae-woon was doing while looking at the coastline reminiscent of the deserts of the Middle East, Yeon-woo opened the message.

[Team Leader Ryu. I’ve got a lead on Baek No-ya. We should be able to make contact within two or three months at the latest.]

Already achieving results, it seems.

Yeon-woo relayed some instructions and then put down his smartphone. Minsoo’s car quickly headed towards Seoul, and Yeon-woo, feeling tired, closed his eyes.

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