Episode 65: Master Plan - Production Report Meeting

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As Yeon-woo, who alternated between jabs and straights in the most practical course, showed a gap in his moves, the martial arts coach unexpectedly inserted a hook using mitts.

Thinking that it was a sudden attack coming from the posture of extending the straight, the coach believed that if one had quick reflexes, they could avoid it through head movement or by allowing the blow. However, Yeon-woo, having learned practical combat instead of boxing, preferred not to gamble by evading.

In real combat, dodging could mean death when faced with projectiles like bayonets, knives, or axes flying towards you, unlike in movies where you attempt to evade them.

Raising his left hand to deflect the hook, Yeon-woo lightly countered with a jab using his opposite hand, and as the coach’s posture faltered, he had no choice but to evade through movement.

Then came the coach’s mitt once again.

Yeon-woo, maintaining the posture from his jab, advanced further and used his elbow to deflect the coach’s hook, utilizing the rotation to extend a straight punch with his right arm.

Although it came reflexively like a well-practiced dance move due to countless repetitions, Yeon-woo’s fist barely touched the coach’s cheek.

‘I almost put all my strength into that.’

Thinking it was fortunate, Yeon-woo withdrew his hand, while the coach, with wide-open eyes unlike Yeon-woo, tried to comprehend the recent situation in his mind.

If it were a real match, his lightly extended hook could have been countered by a cross-counter, resulting in a knockout, the “first and last attack.”

“Uh… Excuse me, what was your name again?”

“Ryu Yeon-woo. I apologize if I was impolite.”

With a vigorous shake of his head in response to Yeon-woo’s words, coach Do Gwang-wook opened his mouth.

“No, that’s not it. Impolite? Me? It was my suggestion for the test.”

Then, he looked at Yeon-woo with sparkling eyes and spoke again.

“If it’s not too much trouble, could you visit for some light sparring after the filming of this project? Doing something like sparring now might cause trouble if you get injured, so let’s do it after the project ends.”

“Um, sure. I understand.”

Nodding as if indicating it was not a difficult task while looking at the burdened eyes of the coach sparkling, Yeon-woo. In truth, even if they sparred now, Yeon-woo didn’t think his face would get injured, but he didn’t express that aloud.

“By the way, where did you learn martial arts?”

As most people working in this field have some experience, the coach was curious about who Yeon-woo had learned from.

Yeon-woo was at a loss for what to say in response to that question.

‘Self-taught… doesn’t sound plausible.’

Since he had nothing particular to say, he improvised.

“I learned at an acting academy. Maybe I’ll shoot action scenes later…”

“Oh, from an acting academy…? The instructors there must be quite skilled.”

Although the coach chuckled and tilted his head upon hearing Yeon-woo’s response, what could he do if that’s what Yeon-woo said.

Eventually, Jung Cheol-min, who had become a martial arts expert, pierced his ear while eating jjamppong with this teacher in Daejeon.

“Hey, who’s talking about me?”

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