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Aena was sitting melancholy as she didn't want to go [along with that couple].
"Come here you girl, it's your last day in this orphanage...So, you have to dress up yourself"[nurse said not disfigured nurse], "I don't want to go," Aena said in a painful voice. Again nurse said, "We are not asking your desire, you have to go". In that much couple arrived, they introduced themselves "Hi, Mars and it's Marrie...And from today you are our sprog and we are your parents" For the last time Jenny and Aena embraced each other. And They took Aena along with them [Jenny burst into tears]

...even though Aena was smiling she was broken from inside which was apparent..

As soon as they arrived at their home a telephone rang, Mr Mars gestured to Marrie to answer the ring.
Marrie "Ya..ya..we did it..stop ringing the know why we adopted this trouble". And she hangs down the call.

....some days later...

Aena was getting ready for school, she was nervous and trepidatious because it was her first day of school.
The first day of school was a bit disturbing for her as some students bullied her [because of her behaviour]...When Aena returned home from school, she was fidgeting on that Marrie asked Aena "What happened my dear?" Aena said in a quivering voice "I don't want to go to school, they are very mean to me and they bullied me"..Marrie asked furiously "Who" Aena said in a quivering voice "Martin"...

...on that night, both were a bit disturbed, but they couldn't delay their "peculiar work"...

-So, what you have decided? to put an end to this trouble..?
-Come on nothing to do...just do as they instructed you
-Oh, don't be glaikit.
-I can't act as a prostitute, I know we have to put an end to this trouble, but not this way...
-Mr X once told me that old Josser is after a woman...that's why you have to go
- you are such an unabashed ripe man ( in a loud voice)
-shhh....go and look if that girl is slumbering.
- don't worry, she is.
- so, come it's already had been late.

....the night was darker than Vantablack coat and the moon was like the pearl on that coat...[all of sudden, bedevil voice echoes] and.......

Aena was trembling, Marrie askedmellifluentuent voice "Is everything okay...?." ya. ya. but I can't figure out why I'm twitching". "Don't brood dear". Mr Mars constantly called Aena, "Aena come on, don't you wanna go school..i... It's late" Aena was nervous and still, she was stuck on yesterday's incident and she wasn't ready to go to school but she went to school...

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