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The truth
....When Aena was 8[eight] years old she lost her parents...Her parents had been murdered by Aena's maternal grandparents because Mr Winget [Aena's father Luther Winget] and Ms D'mello[Aena's mother Abigail D'mello] eloped to get married. The fact was Aena's father was the only son of {gold smith} and Aena's mother was the daughter of {attorney}. Abigail's parents were the most corrupt attorneys at that time...(elopement wasn't the only reason for murder....) Aena's father was also accused of rape and her maternal grandparents were family attorneys of her father's family...

-Years later, I was an orphan young day I got a nanny job in your house but your parents never treated me as a nanny.....

-What happened next?

- Your parents were living a prosperous life but one day your maternal grandparents came and they were tremendously apologetic and they were tremendously happy with their decision....but your parents trusted them...and it was the Brobdingnagian mistake
As time elapsed your parents were inking about the misdeed of your maternal evening your mother heard your maternal grandparents conversation in that conversation they were talking about your heavenly abode grandparents' parents' murder which they was appalled your mother....your parents threatened them that they will apprise rozzers but they didn't step back and they began their filthy acts.....

-Then why did you let my parents die

-I was fired a month before (the incident) but usually, I used to spy on your maternal grandparents

-Who was that boy?

-He was your elder brother [ in quivering voice] day he came in cursory and left you there he was crying...

.....further Nurse disclosed that Mr Mars D'mello and Marrie D'mello are her maternal grandparents....Aena was exposed to the morbid reality.

- (briogously) Why didn't I be adopted by them..?

- I didn't want to let them know about you...and that orphanage was not the same place for was the dilapidated domicile

-why did they adopt me...? Do they know about it? How do you know that they are looking for me...? They don't recognise you...? What's your name? Elopement and auction were the only reason for my death...?

...Erica[Nurse] told her name..and then she answered Aena...they were nefarious personalities so they wanted to show the residents of that area that they were a a descent family which wasn't truthful..they were oblivious to Aena's selfhood...Erica was in love with Aena's brother[not very different in age]...that's why one day she visited back to the Winget house she saw that Mr and Mrs D'mello were dragging the Putrefying flesh which was shocking for her. That day she comes to know that they are in the Quest...later on, Erica tells Aena how nefarious they are. Mr and Mrs D'mello attacked Erica with Acid fortunately her life was not listed in the incident...Ausscation and elopement were just excuses the actual grounds were Money, patrimony or property......

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