Chapter 9

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Alexandra's Pov

I've always planned everything in my life to avoid suprises but for the first time in my life l have received the biggest shock in my life

I have so many unanswered questions about about this girl that is rumoured about being the De Luca princess and mostly who she is and why didn't anyone tell me about her

Could she be the reason why dad is constantly in the hospital or why my brothers are barely looking me in the eye and mom's strange behaviour

I can't let this happen l was born to be the only girl in the De Luca family and whose daughter could she be dad's ,uncle Massimo ,uncle Lorenzo or uncle Bernado's but the last time l checked none of my aunt's were pregnant and my uncles wouldn't cheat on their wives and that would mean that dad cheated

I cannot lose this name that l've worked so hard to keep and no girl will ever be able to replace me , l've always had what l wanted except my father's love and l won't let some ordinary girl get it before l do

Now l get why Xavier said all those strange things to me but what he doesn't know is that l never lose and l was never born to lose, l will teach whoever that girl is a very big lesson that will ever messing with me

My brothers betrayed me after promising that l will always be their number 1, they replaced me so easily without a second thought but l will take away the thing they replaced me with

I will make everyone regret what they did to me but for now l will have to find out who that girl is

Mom entered the room right after the nurses left and l glared at her

"Who is she mom" mom looked confused for a minute until a look of recognition crossed her eyes

"Who are you talking about" the thing about my mother is that she is a terrible liar and l always take utmost advantage of this fact

"The new De Luca princess" l said and l saw it in her eyes she knew the truth about whoever the. girl was but she lied to me

"I can explain Alexa ,and who told you"

"Everyone is talking about it mom , everyone knew but you didn't think it was important for me to know l had a sister out there" l told her getting agitated because of this whole conversation

"What do you want me to say Alexa huh, l knew you would react like this that's why l didn't tell you the truth but since you want the truth l'll give it to you" she said as her eyes started tearing up

"You were exchanged at birth Alexa ,you are neither your father's daughter nor mine "she said and a tear slid down my eyes

"It can't be" l said feeling dejected l thought l could handle the truth but not this

"It is ,the girl you had an accident with is your father and mine's biological daughter baby "she said as she touched me and pulled me to a hug as l cried

"Who are my real parents" l asked through the tears

"Valerie and Valencia are your sisters" mom said

"But you agreed to have cheated on dad when l confronted you mom ,it just doesn't make any sense"

"I did it for you honey" she said

I asked mom to leave me alone as l sobbed, when l found out that l was not dad's daughter l thought l could live with it but this truth l don't think l can take and not only that but now everyone knows that l am not a De Luca

What happens now , will they send me back to my biological parents or will l stay with them and their daughter

Will l be able to watch my family shower her with love everyday and especially dad because l know how much he wanted to have a daughter and now he does ,my real parents are ckclear not rich and l will have to adjust to their life which l don't want

I never would have guessed that one day l would find my self in this type of situation but fate was not on my side apparently

Is it a bad thing that l want all my family's love for myself ,is it a bad thing that l want that girl out of their lives but wait the nurses said that she was missing could this be the answer to all my prayers, could she be really gone from our lives because her being there would ruin everything and l can't afford that

I can't be second best to anyone and l definitely won't be second best to this girl ,OMG not only did she bump into me she has also found a way to disrupt my life

I won't lose to some unknown girl and l definitely won't lose to this new girl and l hope she goes missing forever

I will have to find a way to make sure my brothers don't get attached to the girl and choose her over me and l know just the way

My brothers entered my room just as l was thinking about them

Leonardo immediately came to hug me and l cried even harder and my brothers just can't see tears on my face

"Hey don't cry Lexa everything is going to fine" he cooed

"Are you guys going to give me to my real parents "l said

"No if don't want to leave then you don't have to go anyway "Elonzo said

"That means if l want to go , you'll happily give me away"l said feeling hurt by his answer

"Alexa all l am saying is that it's okay if you want to be with your real family ,we won't stop you " he said

I realised that sees plan A of emotionally blackmailing them wasn't working, plan B would have to be initiated 

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