Chapter 18

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Alexandra's Pov

I've often heard that you don't know what you have until it's gone and l have come to realise it these past two weeks

I actually took my brothers for granted and now it feels like l've lost them and l wish l could go back and change some of the things l did in the past but l know that l can't

Till date l've always been able to manipulate my brothers with a few tears or a cute pout with some puppy dog eyes but l've turned invisible to them and all them

They come home late these days but they always pass by my room and instead of telling me how they love me they talk about how much they wish she was here

She took them from me, she took my identity as the only princess of this family and she took my father from me but l'll make sure to take away her mother from her

I know that mom loves Rosabella but l have her wrapped around my little finger and poor Rosabella won't even know what hit her

I met the Romans and l don't hate them but they aren't as rich as the De Lucas which pretty much makes them useless to me

I like my sister's though and they assured me that they'll help me get rid of Rosabella since they know exactly what will drive her of the edge

I am not a bad person but l won't share my family and everything that comes with it with anyone

"Seems like they won't be joining us for dinner again" l heard Nikolai my voucou say

"I guess they want to spend time with their sister" aunt Oral said and l know they were intentionally tauting me

They've all been staying with us since they found out about Rosabella's and it's been getting on my nerves because all they do is taunt me about how my brothers love their biological sister

"Can we have our dinner peacefully" mom said trying to be the peace maker

"How do you even sleep at night after what you did "aunt Ara said

"what do you want from me Ara huh none of you have a say in what l do with my children so zip it " mom rarely got mad but l think the guilt is really getting to her that's why she snapped and l'll have to do something before the pressure gets to her

"your children oh please when was the last time you spent time with your kids or better yet do you know anything about them except their names "aunt Ara fired back

I nudged mom under the table and shook my head to signal her not to reply

mom ignored aunt Ara's comment and after that dinner turned quiet and awkward but l preferred it that way because mom would have probably spoken the truth in the heat of the moment

Everyone decided to watch a movie after dinner and l joined them halfway through the movie my brothers arrived and they looked happy

"Hello family" Leone said as he joined us

Ever since they found out about Rosabella they all seem to get along and all my efforts to get rid of my extended family have gone down the drain

my brothers joined us until the movie ended and after that they walked me to my room and tucked me in just like the old times

"I know we've been distant Lex l hope you know that you'll always be our little sister " Leonardo said

"I know you guys will always put me first" l smiled innocently at them but in reality l was just manipulating them to always remember the promise they made and l hit the bullseye because they looked down guilty

"when is Alex coming back" Alex hasn't been home since they found out the truth about mom and l fear that the more time he spends with her he'll end up preferring her over me

"he just wants to come to terms with what's been happening but he'll be back soon" Elonzo said casually and l felt my blood boil because they seem to have replaced me so easily

"You don't have to lie to me you can just tell me he's with her ,she's taking all of you from me" l said

"Alex is just mad at mother but he'll be back home soon enough so stop making everything about you " Leone snapped and left my room and l felt dejected none of my brothers ever snapped at me and what's worse is that Elonzo and Leonardo didn't stop him or stand up for me

Leonardo left the room soon after him but Elonzo stayed and l assume it's to comfort me

"What really happened that night Xavier " Elonzo said with a hard and cold face

For the first time l felt scared of my brother because if he finds out the truth he might never forgive me

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