Chapter 14

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Alexa's Pov

It's been 4 days since l was discharged from the hospital and one week since anyone ever saw Papa though he calls to check on them and sometimes ask about my health even though l just wish he'd call me and ask me directly

I went home with the De Luca family because obviously and l told the Rossi's that l want absolutely nothing to do with them l mean obviously they can't provide me with the life that the De Luca's can

On the other hand l've been pretending to to be depressed since l found out about us being exchanged at birth so that my brothers feel sorry for me and it's totally working because they are always around me

I actually pretend to not eat until they feed me or l make sure my eyes always look red and swollen so they think am always crying and they reassure me that they will always be my brothers blood or not

As for the their biological sister she's been missing since a week ago and it's probably the reason why Papa has gone AWOL he's probably grieving losing his only daughter and as for me am glad she is gone because l won't have to share my right with anyone

Mom has been behaving quite strangely too but who cares she's always been quiet

I was busy on my phone when Alex came bagging in my room saying Papa is back and he wanted to talk to us

I instantly got worried because this could mean they found her and that could ruin my whole life

I entered Papa's office which was big enough to fit all of us and all my brothers and mom were already inside

"I know l haven't been home for the past few days but l had some things to take care of " Papa said looking at all of us but l know he was talking to the boys he alway does this wjwh he goes away for business without telling them it's kinda his way of apologising to them

"Did you find her" mom said not waiting for him to tell us why he called us here and l mentally cursed her she was pretending not to care this whole week and now she wants to know if he found her

"Yes moglie" and with that my whole world fell apart this meant that l had a challenger for my right as the de Luca princess and l wasn't going to let anyone take it away from me

Matteo's Pov

I saw the shock in Selena's eyes and l had her right where l wanted her

"H-how l m-mean where " she said stuttering

I pulled my gun and pointed it directly at my wife while all our sons stood up looking at me and my wife

I raised my son's so no matter what they would never question me because they trusted me and they know l always have their best interests at heart

"You should have known l would find her Selena have you forgotten who l am " l taunted her while walking towards her

Alexandra was in Elijah's arms crying but l couldn't care less that little manipulator was probably faking it she hadly cared about Selena

"Tell them what you did Selena or l swear l'll make your death 10 times more painful than l initially planned" l told her deadly calm as l reached where she was sitting


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