Chapter 11

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Matteo's Pov

I so badly wanted to know what was going through her mind ,l could see the pain her eyes and l just wanted to take it all away

My only daughter didn't deserve to be in pain or to see how cruel this world actually is ,she deserved to sheltered all her life and l was going to make everyone who dared to touch my princess pay for every unshed tear that l see in her eyes but firsty l needed to keep her safe because it's pretty clear that someone is trying to mess with me by taking my daughter out of the hospital and l am going to make sure they know the consequences of messing with a De Luca

I drove Bella to one of my apartments because l couldn't take her home without knowing who took her in the first place as it was pretty clear who ever did knew pretty well who she was so l needed to know who among the people who knew backstabbed me and why

Bella was quiet the whole time but l just wanted her to talk to me

We entered the apartment and the way Bella was literally gawking at the place l knew she liked it "do you like it tesoro" l asked her chuckling at her drooling face

"It's very beautiful" she said softly

"Not as beautiful as the princess standing next to me "l said as her face turned red as she blushed and that seriously caused me to laugh

"Why did you bring me here" she asked as l led her to the kitchen and helped her sit on the chairs there

"What l would like to know is why you left the hospital and who took you out" l said seriously while intentionally ignoring her question as l started cutting some fruits to make her a fruit salad

"Why do you care so much it's none of your business anyway" she said softly as she turned away but l didn't fail to notice the lone tear that escaped from her eyes

"Princess l need you to tell me the truth or the people who hurt you will get away with it" l said soothingly but inside l was raging

"No one" she said but she still couldn't look me in the face

"Then the people who drove to that build did you know them"

"N-no " l could hear the reluctantly in her voice it was like she wanted to tell me but something was stopping her or she was protecting someone but who??

"Please tell me the truth princess in the time you've spent with me have l ever given you an indication that l'll hurt you or have l hurt you ?" I asked her honestly and maybe l was emotionally blackmailing her a bit but l needed to know in order to keep her safe so l had to use any resource in order to get her to talk

"You haven't but l can't tell you it's not her fault she doesn't want me, it's not her fault l am not good enough for her and her family " she was rambling but l did manage to understand that whoever did this is a woman

"Who Bella " l asked again

"My mother, the woman who gave birth to me doesn't want me ,she gave me away when I was born and she did again today "l was shocked, angry , heartbroken for the pain l saw in my daughter's eyese and worst of all l felt betrayed by the woman l consider the love of my life


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