Alpha Daddy?

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Chapter 15

The look on her face screamed panic. Her heart beat picked up, and I could even see sweat pooling on her forehead.

Jackson was right.

"How could you hide something like this from me mother." I whispered glaring down at the white sheet that laid on my legs. I had to look away from her pleading deep brown eyes. My mother was a fragile woman and I knew if I took one glance into her eyes I would forgive her.

"He is your father Ariana!" She snapped making me look up at her in shock. Her eyes were glazed with unshed tears but the anger was clear. And that angered me.

How could she be angry, when she lied to me !

"Stop lying to me!" I screamed clenching my fist together. I deeply breathed in trying to control my anger. I wouldn't want my wolf to lash out right now, not when my twins were outside. Not when my mother was standing a couple feet away from me.

"Do not yell at me Ariana Rosette Belle!" she growled before brushing her shirt off and sitting on Caleb's chair.

"Please just tell me the truth mom. Joey, he's maturing at an incredible speed and I need to know who my father is. I need to know his status in his pack to know if - if my babies okay mom." I begged wiping away a stray tear that fell from my eye.

"Oh baby." she sighed coming to my side and pulling me into a hug. "I am so sorry." she cried after a couple of minutes.

"Just tell me." I whispered clutching onto her blouse that was stained with my tears. "Fine, but please just... just listen okay?" I quickly nodded and scouted over for her to sit down.

"Okay this was about twenty three years ago. Goodness such a long time ago." she nervously sighed as she sat down.

"Your fath- Gerardo, Mariah and I, went to California, to visit his old pack- the Yuka Pack. I had never met any of his old friends and most of his family, other than his parents of course. They came over here when Mariah was born. So we decided to make a trip." her chin quivered as she grabbed onto my hand and looked down at her ring finger.

"We were having so much fun, and I felt like I had gained another family. Then the day came when we had to pay the Alpha a visit. To welcome him for letting us stay in his territory. He was also your fath-Gerardo's" she corrected herself "best friend."

"What does any of this have to do with my biological father?" I sighed rubbing my forehead with the hand my mother was gripping to.

"Just wait." she sternly said as she gripped even harder, if possible onto my hand.

"Your father went on ahead of me and I stayed behind to take Mariah to your mama's. When I came back to the Alpha's home I ran into a man. His face was scarred and he scared me to no end, but what terrified me the most is that I felt a pull- the mate pull." she cried covering her face with her palms.

"But you and daddy are mates." my voice screamed out how many emotions were rushing through me. I just knew that my face looked exactly like Zoey's when she found out the tooth fairy wasn't real. I felt like I was a little girl again.

"No, we aren't." she sobbed as she turned her body to face me.

"I fell in love with your father when I first met him. He wasn't my mate, but I was his." she rambled. "it's a very rare thing but it happened. I loved- love your father and I knew I wouldn't love any one like I loved him so we married and had Mariah."

"But you did love someone more." I interrupted. My voice had no emotion and my face was void of any anger or hurt. I felt ... numb.

"So what happened? You hooked up with the Alpha and told dad? He forgave you?" I asked scooting away a bit.

Her face scrunched up as another sob racked through her body. She covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head.

"He doesn't know." I breathed as my face paled. My heart started to beat incredibly fast making breathing incredibly hard. I started to feel my body aching as I struggled to breathe in.

"He thinks I am his daughter! You lied to both of us! How could you!" I yelled jumping off the bed. As soon as I stood upright my feet gave out from underneath me.

"Ariana!" She scrambled over to me trying to help me up but I pushed her away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled sliding away from her. My eyes clouded up and my heart clenched as I looked at my mother. How could she lie to all of us for so long? How did we not realize?

The more I thought of it the more I realized I looked nothing like my father. He was incredibly tall, blonde, with brown eyes. While I was short, brunette with emerald eyes. Something I hadn't inherited from my mother either.

Mariah was the perfect mix of both. She was tall with our, well her fathers light brown eyes and moms dark almost black hair.

I was the odd one in the family.

"Ariana!" both of our heads snapped to the door to see a worried Caleb and Jackson. Along with Gerardo.

"Sweetie are you okay?" Gerardo- my father or not father asked as he pushed through and came to my side.

"Erin what did you say to her!" he snapped as her laid me back onto my bed where Caleb rushed to my side.

"Are you okay babe?"

How didn't we realize it? It was so obvious?

"Ariana?" my eyes snapped to a pair of worried blue eyes.

"Everyone get out. I just want to be with my kids." I said as I turned away from everyone and hugged myself as I waited for them to leave.








Author's Note~

It's short for the wait I know! I'm sorry! I've been having a bit of a hectic week. I planned my nieces' birthday party then I was hosting it. Then I had to go birthday shopping for my little cousin and nephew. Then I went to interviews, but that paid off because I now have a JOB!!! Yay me! Lol then more family parties and my teacher calling me non-stop about school so yeah not so much fun but anywho. I had some time tonight before I head off to bed so here ya go lovlies!

Also this will be the main story I write, because this is the story most people I read. So my two other stories will be when I have more free time!

Songs '

The Way- Ariana Grande ft Mac Miller

Blame it on the rain- he is we

Bullet Train- Stephen Swartz ft. Joni Fatora

Cry- Kelly Clarkson

Thos songs have nothing to do with the story just random songs !(:

Love you guys! Sorry for the wait!

Mari xoxo

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