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Ariana Belle

Two Years Later

Since the fight, the pack has become stronger. It took months for us to regain our strength. We all lost loved ones. Our family.

We grieved, we wept, and we became a pack filled with anger.

But we overcame it. Slowly, but we did.

It's strange to think that a couple years back I wanted to get away from my pack. I couldn't dream of leaving this town, my people.

My family, that seemed to pop up in every direction.

Like my baby doll Sunny. She's such a strong little pup.

It took her almost a year to open up to Caleb and me. It was heartbreaking seeing her shy away from us, from everybody.

Pack members who had known Peter, had came to visit Sunny. But that only made her pull herself farther into her shell.

She wouldn't come out of her room. Unless Joey assured everybody was gone. Only then would she go out to eat, bathe, and play. Only with Joey. And then slowly she let in Zoey and Natalia.

And then one night she crawled into our bed and began to sob into our arms. That was the day she finally began to open up to us. And it was such a bittersweet moment.

Knowing that she finally let Peter go, and let us in.

Another of my babies is Natalia. I took her in after seeing her mistreated by her mother. I always had a feeling that her mother wasn't fully there.

But Natalia protected her mother.

Until I stepped in. Seeing Natalia's porcelain skin bruised purple and blue. It was sickening.

Needless to say Tanya, Natalia's mother was now locked away in our prison.

"Hey Ari, need some help?" Jumping in fright I looked behind me to see Jacob, with his half smirk.

"I'm fine Jake. Just a bit breathless." I laughed as I continued making my way down the steps, Jake hovering behind me.

"I swear you have the worst timing to throw a baby shower." He muttered staring up at the grey skies.

"Hey!" I chuckled hitting his chest with my hand. "For your information I am not throwing this baby shower. I would rather be cuddled up in bed, with my kiddos." I sighed wobbling further into the woods.

"Ah sounds like paradise." He joked throwing his arms around my shoulder as I glared up at him.

Even if he was teasing I knew he would rather be doing the same. With his six month baby and his mate, who was once again - pregnant.

Yes, he had finally met his mate.

After the fight, Jake was no longer a part of the Crimson Pack. Nobody trusted him. Not to help lead and protect the pack. Not even to live in our territory.

And Caleb was more than happy to announce that Jacob had become a rogue.

But I couldn't see him as that. A rouge.

Jacob was kind, caring, a total sweetheart.

Who was clouded by what he thought was love, and pulled even further into his haze by Sarah.

Sarah, ran off as the fight peaked. With Alpha Embers entering the territory she knew it was over and left. Last I heard she was a rouge, but she found her true mate.

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