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Chapter Twenty-One

“Ari, wake up.” I let out a small groan of annoyance before opening my heavy lids. A small smile graced my lips as I took in the bright Caribbean blue eyes that belonged to my mate.

“Good morning love.” he smiled gently pecking my lips as I stretched out and let my bones crack. I let out a satisfied sigh … and it wasn’t because of my now relaxed body.

Last night Caleb and I laid in my bed and watched movies. Nothing more. I couldn’t, not now. I hated to admit it, but I was still waiting for him to laugh at my face and walk out of my life as well as the twins.

“Uh Ari…. Somebody came this morning around five am and dropped off a package.” he said as he laid next to me, pulling me into his chest.

“Okay?” I laughed taking in his Coffee, Vanilla smell. I always loved those scents. I remember buying so many Coffee, and Vanilla candles in New York. Just so I could smell something that was sort of like his scent. And it worked for a bit, but I could always pin point something off. It was either too strong, too faint…. It just wasn’t him. And now here I am laying in his arms, covered in his scent.

“It was a wolf, female… and not in our pack.” He stressed sitting up and pulling out a package from the floor.

I bit my lip as I sat up. I gently grabbed it from his hands, very aware of his probing eyes as I grabbed my keys that were on my bedside and ripped it open. Inside was a two pairs of plush wolves and a letter with my name elegantly scribbled.

“Who’s it from?” Caleb asked as he pulled me back into his chest and rested his chin on my shoulder. “I’m about to find out.” I whispered setting the black and white wolf to the side. I shivered at the resemblance, those wolves looked exactly like Caleb and I. they even had the same eye color.

I shook my thoughts away and ripped open the envelope and pulled out the sheet of paper/

Dear My Beloved Ariana,

My name’s Marina, and I am your half-sister. I’m sorry if this seems weird but I just found out that I had a sister- you. And I cant even begin to explain how excited or angry I am. Your mother called my papa a couple nights ago, but he wasn’t in. She left him a message which I might have heard. I am so sorry if I am intruding but I would love to meet you! And I would love to meet my nephew and niece, only if it’s fine with you. I will be in your town for a night, if you’d like to please meet me at Lesta’s café at eight pm. If you don’t show I understand.


Mariana DelaRose

“Gerardo isn’t your father?” Caleb gasped. But I couldn’t answer him. I had another sister.. Would I meet her? Should I? Would she be angry at me?

“Ariana?” Caleb gently turned me so I was facing him, but I moved away from him and off the bed.

“I’m going to make breakfast for the kids.” I muttered walking out of my room and to the living room.

As quietly as I could I took out three pans. One for pancakes, one for eggs, and one for bacon. “Ari- don’t.” I whispered as I beat the eggs. I couldn’t talk about it. My mind was racing with a million thoughts.

Why would my mother call that man- my father? He hadn’t been in my life for twenty-one years, why do I need him now? I have a sister too, I don’t need another one.

“You should go.” my eyes snapped up to meet a sea of blue. I shook my head as I turned back to the food.

“She didn’t know either Ari.” he whispered pulling me away from the stove. I let out a small whimper as I tried to push him away from me. “I don’t need to meet a girl who claims she’s my sister. How do I know she isn’t a fraud?” I asked stubbornly. He sighed and ran one hand through his hair as the other one held me in place.

“I’ll send Adrian with you. He’s one of the best fighters…. Other than Jake.” he slightly growled. I couldn’t help the small smile that spread on my lips. He was still jealous even after I told him I loved him and wanted nobody but him. Not even jake.

“Mommy! Are these ours?” both of us turned to look at Zoe holding up the midnight black wolf with glowing blue eyes and Joey holding the white wolf with glowing green eyes.

“Yes they are, you’re au-” I inconspicuously pinched Caleb making him hiss and stop mid-sentence. I sent him a glare as I pushed him away. “They’re yours. Now go wake up Nat.” I smiled shooing them away.

“That wasn’t very nice Ari.” Caleb pouted rubbing his arm where I had pinched him. I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest with an oven mitt.


“Ayyy! What- stop- Ari!” He shouted out as he held his arms towards me. “What” smack “is” smack “wrong” smack “with” smack “you!” I whisper-yelled glaring up at him. The nerve of him! Oh, how I wanted to kick his ass! “What!” He shouted staring wide-eyed at me. “You were going to tell them about her!”

He rolled his eyes as he flipped the pancake I left abandoned and turned back to me. “You know you’re going to meet her. Stop kidding yourself Ari.” my nose flared in anger as I smacked him once more.

“Damn it Ari, stop hitting me!” he pouted taking the mitt away from me and smacking my bumm. I gasped and glared at him. He gave me a cheeky smile and slowly handed me the mitt back.

I smirked at him and snatched it away.

“Feisty.” he winked making me let out a small giggle. “Hand me the eggs.” I ordered grabbing five plates. He saluted and handed me the pan with a ‘Yes ma’am’ and another heart stopping smile.

“How much eggs do you want?” I asked tensing up as I felt him glare at my back. I could practically feel him dying to talk about her again. But I just couldn’t deal with it right now. I had enough going on in my life. I didn’t have to worry about another person.

“I actually can’t stay..” he trailed off as his eyes glazed over. I frowned and set the pan down on a towel as I went to pour another pancake and grab the bacon.

“The other pack is back.” he growled. He quickly set the spatula he was holding down and gave me a quick peck. “Please think about going to visit her. I’ll be back before eight, hopefully.” he gave me another peck as he stuffed bacon in his mouth and ran out kissing the twins cheeks and hugging Nat and ran out the door.

I sighed and leaned back against the counter. I rubbed my fore head before setting the plates and heading out to the dining room. Both the girls were sitting on the chairs while Joey stared out of the window in the living room.

“Joe, come eat.” I called out giving him a smile. He nodded and slowly walked over to the table. As he sat down to eat he kept staring at his wolf.

Authors Note- eh okay it’s not so long but I am supposed to be studying right now. Oh well, United History can wait lol So this chapter is dedicated to smexylion22 because she answered the question in the last chapter and she’s just the sweetest!

Also I do need more characters like now, so I’m going to be that mean author and ….. If you guys don’t help me I wont post. I’m such a b with an itch, I now. But my mind is blank with names and actors so HELP ME PEOPLE! Lol

Anyways the question for this chapter is ….


Where do I live ?

a. Fresno, Cali

b. San Diego, Cali

c. Manhattan, New York

d. New York, New York

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