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Chapter 16

→Calebs←(gasp) ^.^

I sighed as Jackson shook his head. He sent me a pitying smile as he put away stacks of paper.

It had been a week. A week since I've seen my mates beautiful face, heard her soft voice and I missed her... hell I craved her.

After her mothers visit she locked herself away. She only came out to take the twins to their practices, but she never talked to anybody. Not me, not Jake and not her friend Quin. The only person she let in was Jackson.

"Don't worry Alpha Caleb, she'll come around. She's going through somw things right now." He frowned as he shook his head.

"What kind of things?" I demanded crossing my arms over my chest. I would've felt it if She was hurt or afriad, we are mates!

'But she isn't marked anymore' my wolf whimpered.

I hissed and rubbed the back of my neck. He's right she isn't and It killed me. I just wanted her back. I admit I was cruel to her before but she's my mate! We're destined to be together!

"Alpha I'm sorry but I can't tell you. Thats for her to tell you." He glared at me as he roughly shut his laptop and moved around his office.

My eyebrow shot up in suprise as the always obident doc refused to cooperate with me. That's a first. But then again he has a strange relationship with my beautiful mate.

My wolf growled at the thought of my mate with another wolf. But I quickly remembered he was happily married with Avery. Plus he's as old as her father.

That settled my wolf, slightly.

"But I'm asking YOU." I chuckled shaking my head. "Listen if you ever want to win Ariana back I suggest you stop being so arrogant and show her you've changed." He hissed grabbing his coat and roughly putting it on.

"And I suggest you be careful with the words you speak to your Alpha. " I hissed as anger pulsed through me. I was in charge here not him! I am the Alpha of this pack and nobody tells me what to do!

"Pardon me Alpha." He spat. "All I'm saying is the way you're heading you'll never win her back." He shook his head before walking out the door and slamming it behind him.

I growled and threw off the medicines from the table and kicked his desk making it crumble down along with his papers. How dare he!

My vision fogged with anger until I realized something. He changed the subject. I let out another fierce growl as I punched the wall behind me making a huge whole. I needed to see Ariana, now!

I roughly opened the door making it break off its hinges. I groaned and put it against the wall and made my way out of the pack house.

'Clean up the docs office.' I mindlinked to Maggie. She was pracrically the maid of the pack house.

As soon as I made it out to the forest I stripped and closed my eyes feeling the familar tingle run down my spine as my bones rearranged themselves. Once I opened my eyes everything was so much clearer and I was on four.

I shook my midnight black fur before taking off towards Ari's house, making sure to pick up my clothes into my mouth.

Five minutes later, I made my way out of the forest-fully clothed. I sighed and strained my ears to hear. I could hear one heart beat, Ari. But there was something else...... she was crying.

I cringed and intinctly ran to the door knocking fiercly on her door.

Everything in my body was yelling at me to comfort her and it didn't help that my wolf was making scenarios as to why our mate was crying.

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