Prologue [rewritten!]

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"The child is so arrogant! Does he not have the brain to understand his position?!"
"For as long as he has lived, he brings nothing but disgrace to the family!"
"How the duke and duchess could yet be so gracious as to allow him to remain here is amazing."
"Did you see his eyes? It's so eerie, I get shivers every time I see them!"
"The duke had it rough this time, to think such catastrophe would befall the family while they were basking in the lights of glory."
"Heh, what can I say? They reap what they sow! Who do they think they are, acting all arrogant when they merely made such a minor achievement?"
"They say a small act of kindness in a time of need will be viewed as a thousand folds. Aiya, every dog has its day, alright."
"I can't believe how he still has a face to order everyone around when he's the reason the dukedom receives such humiliation!"
The banging of the door echoes through the dark, empty night.
"Is there someone there?! Unlock this door right this instance!!"
The doorknob clattered loudly, but no matter what, the door wouldn't open.
"The boy has no shame; his birth came like a bolt out of the blue. He should be grateful to the duke and duchess that they still decided to keep him when his birth had brought them so much casualty; instead, he brings nothing but shame and humiliation to the family's reputation."
The banging continued to resonate through the darkness of the night. Despite the booming noise, it could not be perceived by anybody except for the passing little animals and insects going about in the shadows.
".....It's cold.."
The metal door opened with a small creak and a delicate-looking man emerged from the door.
He stepped onto the rooftop; his hair was blown away by the biting wind, revealing his dark-colored set of eyes. The pair of eyes moved to look at the figure standing by the railing of the rooftop, gazing down at the city below.
The man moved his hands to pull his jacket more tightly around himself to secure from the cold wind before strolling to the other person.
The delicate man joined the latter in gazing at the city. The dazzling city light shone brilliantly through the night, illuminating the main thoroughfare of the city. The streets are bustling with people walking to and fro.
The two men, one taller than the other, stood silently besides the railing, peering at the city together. With a distance of an arm length from one another, no one spoke up.
A while later, the man with stronger builds shifts his gaze away from the city and turns his head to stare at the other man who had joined him. Noticing that the other party had turned his attention away, the petite man turned to meet the other man's eyes.
Moments later, the smaller man's mouth curled up slightly and he asked, "Why do you suddenly want to re-visit our high school?"
The other also grins before turning his head back to gaze at the alluring big smoke*, taking in every building and structure as if savoring it. He answered, "Just feel like it; we hadn't been here for so long."

*Google: a large city, let me know if it's wrong ㅠㅠ

Illuminated by the light, the man's originally dark brown eyes emits a soft golden color, with a faint red to it.
The red-ish gold light gleamed brightly, like a burning flame bringing lights to the darkened roof.
Two men are standing atop of their former high school, one gazing at the bright scenery and the other observing the former.
With his gaze still on the city, the larger man asked rhetorically, "You noticed, haven't you?"
His question was met with silence. He smiled softly as if he didn't expect to get an answer, and continued to look fixedly at the city.
The crowd on the city's streets was getting bigger as rush hour slowly approached, with people jostling here and there, looking very cheerful.
The smaller man suddenly spoke up, "Are you going?"
The other didn't make much expression to the question, but his hand, which was resting on the railing, was imperceptibly flinched. However, having known the former for many years, the flinch did not escape the petite man's eyes.
The former lowered his head before smiling softly and turned his head towards the latter, "Yeah."
A tiny little snowflake falls from the dark gray sky as if emerging from the boundless void. The bitting wind had creased at an unknown point in time, allowing the snowflakes to slowly but surely descend from above, landing on the delicate man's head.
Noticing the little snowflake on his friend, the taller man looks up at the sky and comments, "It's snowing."
The former saw a tiny snowflake slowly descending in front of his eyes and followed it with his gaze as it floated towards the ground. He affirms, "It is."
The other turned his gaze away from the sky to the former and raised his hand to remove the snowflake that was stuck on his friend's hair. "Do you like the cold?"
The other party pondered over the question as he stayed still, to let his friend remove the snowflake for him, trying to find a suitable answer.
When the taller man had removed the snowflake from his friend's hair, he met the latter's gaze and received his answer, which was spoken softly as if in hesitation: "No, I don't. it's..."
The larger man waited patiently for his friend to finish his sentence, whereas the other pondered over how to word his answer as he gaze at the abounding dark void.

His eyes, radiated by the brilliant light of the city, shone a faint sparkly blue, complimented by the cloudy grey sky, the beautiful light blue came off as empty as the untold sky. As if these pairs of eyes had been through the loneliest and coldest of time.
A moment later, he continued, "It's gives me the feeling of loneliness."


A/n: I didn't want to use 'smaller' everytime I describes him so I used 'petite' instead but after googling it, it said to be used on woman, so I'm not sure if I'm using this term correctly. Do correct me if I'm wrong, English isn't my first language ㅠㅠ also! If you spot any mistake, let me know too! I'd very much appreciate it! I found a bot that helps me correct grammar errors in my writing, plus I reviewed this a bunch of times, so I can say that mistakes will be reduced but I don't have that much trust in bots and myself, so I'm relying on you guys!

Hello! How are y'all doing, we haven't met in a long while, haven't we?

I was actually planning on writing the whole arc first before uploading it but clearly, I didn't take into consideration with the fact I couldn't afford to slack off this year.

I am currently in danger of exams left and right, so forget about writing the arc before uploading, I don't even have the chance to note down the order of the scenario! I'm uploading this just to let you know that this story have not been abandoned, I'm just too stupid and didn't plan things more thoroughly!

Note that when the rewritten chapters come out, the old chapters will be deleted, also the title and cover will also change. I noticed halfway through writing that the title does not match with the story, not surprised since I decided to wrote this on a wimp because I was feeling lazy at the time and didn't have better things to do, who knew that there would be people reading this garbage? If I had known I would've put more care into my writing! Also, the setting for this story is set in an ancient timeline so why the heck did I used a modern timeline story as the cover picture for this? Curse my past self.

So yeah, upload will be very VERY slow, I also have a major exam coming up at the end of this month. Fun, isn't it? I literally just finished my 4 days examination at the start of the month why the heck is there another one doing at the end of this month?! Sorry, I'm wasting your prescious time, so yeah. That's all I wanted to say, peace out! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

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