What to think of it all?

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It gave me a scare.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest and I blinked aggressively to look at the screen. It didn't do much, so I immediately began to wipe my tears with my sleeves.

It can't be,

Someone's typing??!

Frantically and aggressively, I slid my rough sleeve across my eyes and I managed to clear my view to look at the screen again.


And my heart fell.

Then I scoffed at myself.

I guess I've really lost it. I guess my mind is too delusional or too messed up at the moment.

Why would there be anyone typing at the other end? That's not even possible.

I stared at the screen that stood still, like it had been for many years.

Stuck in time, since my mother's passing


My hands trembled with blood on them.

I let down a shaky gulp as my mind raced.

My breathing was abnormal, there was something excessively wrong with me. I clenched my fists, trying to forget about it. But, can I forget about something like this?

Someone grabbed my clothes from behind, "Sera," I looked back at Eris.


Someone was holding her in her arms.

"Who are you?" I stepped towards the woman, "Hey," They seemed to be moving away,
"Hey!!" My hands reached out to her as she turned around to walk away with my sister in her arms, "Let Eris go," The weight of an impending threat bore down on me, a heavy anxiety that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, "Eri!!!" I called her name, my eyes stuck on her as I tried to run to them but Eris turned her head away, looking disappointed.


I tried to run faster, but before I could reach her, before I could even attempt it, something cold pressed against my wrists and I couldn't move. Not that I was moving much at all even though I was trying, but that's when everything around me came to a still.


No, wait. What is happening?!? I looked back and my eyes went wide. There stood a police officer, he was looking at me like I was some sort of heinous animal. He closed the handcuffs around my wrists.

"Wait," I shot my head at the woman taking Eris away, "She's taking my sister!" I looked back at the officer who had a blank face, I couldn't see his eyes or his mouth, "Sir, she's kidnapping my sister!!"

"She's not your sister anymore," He began to drag me away, ignoring my pleas "You're unfit to take care of her." Anxiety took over all of my being.

"What?" I felt horrified, "No," I shook my head, "I didn't do anything wrong!" I tried to resist. I felt restless. The dread of ending up alone was shaking my entire being.

The officer didn't give me an answer, he paused and looked back at me. Even though he had no face, the way he was looking at me made me feel like he was saying, 'You didn't do anything wrong?' He pointed at my hands and I looked down at them.


There was warm, fresh, red blood dripping down from there, almost like a stream. Everything around me was white, which further highlighted the crimson red on my shaking palms. It was as if there was only me, and the sin on my hands.

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