Neutral Zone Trap

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Over a month has passed since Moss visited Colorado to watch his brothers play in their first regular season NHL game together.

Over a month has passed since either of them have spoken to him outside of the family group chat.

Over a month has passed since Tye Martel has made himself a constant in Moss' life.

The latter observation may be the most peculiar yet welcomed one of them all that he's picked up on. Whether it be a FaceTime, phone call or text- Tye makes sure to reach out basically every day.

Moss didn't want to be a bother at first, but has since given up on that line of thinking. He now texts Tye his thoughts on anything and everything throughout the day. He figures that he hasn't scared the defenseman away yet, so he must be doing something right.

(And yes, he did update Tye's contact name.... don't look into that.)


Rise and shine MoMo! **sunshine emoji**

To: Tye>:)

Morning Snorlax **sleeping face emoji**

Did you sleep through your alarm today?

It's the week of Thanksgiving, so management has graciously allowed everyone to work from home Monday through Wednesday. Thursday is a holiday so nobody will be working, but the accounting and finance departments are required to be in the office on Friday due to it falling on month end. Consequently, Moss is part of the unlucky group of people who will begrudgingly make their way to downtown Detroit after the holiday celebrations to help close out the billings.

**incoming call: Tye>:)**

Moss smiles as he answers the call, "Yes, my refrigerator is running. I'm gonna catch it any second now."

Tye's laughter erupts through the speakers on his phone.

"I'll try to make this quick so you can continue your hunt," Tye finally spits out. "I was wondering if you're going to be in town for Thanksgiving this week."

"I have Thursday off, but they need us in the office on Friday, so I'm not able to fly into Denver for Thanksgiving," he explains dejectedly.

"What are you doing on Thursday then? Do you have family or friends in Detroit to spend the day with?" Tye questions.

Oh boy, he is not going to like the answer to this one.

"My parents and grandparents are flying into Denver to be with Shane and Eli this year. It's a bit difficult to make friends as an adult outside of school, so I won't be having a Friendsgiving either," he supplies in a deadpan tone.


"Tye...." he mimics Tye's exasperated voice and sigh.

"I'll be fine, I promise. And if I'm not, for whatever reason, I'll just bug you about it."

"I can call you during dinner. My family won't mind," Tye offers lightly.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, Moss replies, "My mom said that she'll give me a call when they're cutting the turkey. Don't worry that little hockey brain of yours."

"Alright.... I'm serious though. Give me a call if you need to on Thursday. We both know how your family can be a bit-" Tye cuts himself off looking for a non-offensive word to use to describe the Kettler's.

"-flakey?" Moss finishes Tye's sentence for him knowing that it's the adjective he most likely wanted to use.

"I promise you can be my dinner understudy on Thursday in case my family forgets that I exist again. I appreciate the insurance," Moss smiles at his friend's protective complex.

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