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For the first time this season, Moss is able to catch a ride back home with Tye after a game. The two of them hold hands over the center console, blissfully recapping the events from the night.

When they get back to the house, the couple showers and gets ready for bed rather than staying up to celebrate like they would much rather do. A good nights rest is needed since Tye has to be up early the next morning to get on the plane and travel to Houston for game six.

They are now settled in bed, Moss laying between Tye's legs and leaning against his chest, when they finally decide to check their phones.

Moss had told his boyfriend on the drive home that the group retook the WAG picture and he gave the girls the green light to post the photos on social media. Tye, who had already anticipated that this would happen, just smiled and squeezed Moss' hand in acknowledgment.

In the present, they have decided to go through Moss' phone first.

Tye is resting his chin on the smaller man's shoulder as the phone turns on. Before he goes to unlock it, Moss sees that he has tons of calls, texts and Instagram follow requests.

"Looks like everyone wants a piece of you right now, sweets," Tye jokes when he sees the vast amount of notifications on his phone.

Moss snorts at this, "Yeah- I'm sure it's my natural charm that has everyone reaching out right now and nothing else."

He goes straight to his texts, already knowing the first person he needs to respond to.


Hi honey. Please give me a call when you can.

If you don't feel comfortable talking right now, I understand.

Please know that your father and I are proud of you and would like to meet with you and Tye again under different circumstances.

Love you<3

"Well.... that's a good reaction from your parents. Right?" Tye asks while his thumb rubs soothing circles on Moss' hip.

Moss' fingers hover over the keyboard trying to think up a suitable response to his mom's sincere messages.

"I wasn't expecting them to hate me or anything, but I'm kind of surprised that they're asking to re-meet you as my boyfriend."

To: mom<3

Thanks mom, love you too<3

I'll give you a call tomorrow

After he hits send, Moss turns his head slightly to look up at Tye, "Maybe you should text your parents too, before we get back to anyone else."

"Yeah," Tye agrees with a sigh while taking out his phone and holding it so they can both see the endless amount of notifications that show up on his screen as well.

"Looks like I'm also pretty popular," he jokes lightly while scrolling to his mom's contact in his texts

mama **bear emoji**

Tye Elliot Martel!

You have already come out to your family. Why did you not tell us you had a boyfriend before announcing it to the world!?

Everyone and their mother has been trying to contact me tonight. I haven't responded to anyone because I have no idea what is going on in my own son's life apparently!

You will call me IMMEDIATELY when you see these messages, young man!! **angry face emoji**

Moss can feel Tye's heart racing from where he is pressed against him.

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